Student Data

Identification - the information necessary to identify the person. This information is Social Security number or state-approved alternative student ID, student name, and a health or weather related crisis indicator.

Demographic - the characteristics of a person. This information is the campus, last date of enrollment, sex, ethnicity, race, date of birth, refugee/asylee, career and technical education, attribution, as of status, grade level, migrant, bilingual/ESL summer school, and economic status data.

Enrollment - the specific enrollment attributes of the student. This information includes the campus, grade, eligibility, LEP status, special program participation, and at-risk status for each student.

Special Program - the information specific to each of the special programs (ESEA, Title I, Part A; Special Education; Career and Technical Education; Bilingual/ESL, and Extended School Year services).

Attendance - the basic information pertaining to the attendance of a student. This information is the days absent and present, eligible special education attendance, eligible career and technical attendance, eligible bilingual/ESL attendance, pregnancy related services, and gifted/talented services.

Course Completion - the courses that are attempted and completed by students in grades 1-12. The courses and the course outcomes are reported.

Leaver - the information about prior year students who are not current year students.

Disciplinary Action - the information on student disciplinary removal actions and truancy actions.

Restraint – the information on student restraint events. This information reflects special education student restraints performed by school district employees/volunteers and all student restraints performed by school district police officers and SROs.

Flexible Attendance - the basic information pertaining to the flexible attendance program of a student. This information is the minutes present, special education days eligible, eligible career and technical minutes present, bilingual/ESL days eligible, pregnancy related services days eligible and gifted/talented services for students participating in the Optional Flexible School Day and the High School Equivalency Program.