Input Record
Type Code

District ID

Campus ID

Class ID Number

Service ID

Class Period

Course Sequence Code

Non Campus Based Instruction Code


















1 - 3

4 - 9


19 - 32

33 - 40

41 - 42


44 - 45

46 - 80






The 300 Campus - Course Section record is used to capture the complete course offerings for a particular campus. This information is then used for translating the data submitted for staff and student course participation in order to identify the classes enrolled in by students and classes taught by teachers.

Business Rules

INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE (E0755) identifies the type of data on a PEIMS data submission record.

DISTRICT-ID (E0212) indicates the district identification number registered with the Texas Education Agency.

DISTRICT-ID on the 300 Course Section records must match the value for DISTRICT-ID on the LEA 010 District record.

CAMPUS-ID (E0266) indicates the unique campus identification number registered with the Texas Education Agency. It is the linking of DISTRICT-ID with the campus identification number.

An instructional campus: 1) has an assigned administrator, 2) has enrolled students who are counted for average daily attendance, 3) has assigned instructional staff, 4) receives federal and/or state and/or local funds as its primary support, 5) provides instruction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), 6) has one or more grade groups in the range from early education through grade 12, and 7) is not a program for students enrolled in another public school.

An alternative instructional unit: 1) is an instructional site, center, program, or arrangement that is not governed by an individual campus organization, and 2) does not meet the above standard definition of an instructional campus.

The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must be in the range of 001-698.

CAMPUS-ID must match CAMPUS-ID on a 020 Campus record.

CLASS-ID-NUMBER (E1056) is a number identifying a unique course section that is unique for a particular school year, Campus, and SERVICE-ID.

The CLASS-ID-NUMBER may be any 14 character district defined identifier comprised of letters and/or numbers.

The CLASS-ID-NUMBER and SERVICE-ID must be unique for a particular course section at the campus level and match an entry on the 300 Course Section record.

SERVICE-ID (E0724) refers to the services supplied by staff.

For the 300 Course Section record, do not include courses with SERVICE-IDs that begin with SA, SE, SR, SS, 01, 8, or 9. Additionally the SERVICE-IDs for Prekindergarten and Kindergarten that begin with “02” cannot be reported on the 300 Course Section record. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit.

SERVICE-ID 02000000, Elementary, Grades 1-6, should be used only when a teacher is serving multi-grade or ungraded student populations, typically in a pullout program. It is not used for those situations where a district assigns a teacher two contiguous grades of students because neither grade has enough students to allow for a single classroom.

For elementary school courses, districts have the option of using either the generic elementary SERVICE-IDs (02010000 - Grade 1, 02020000 - Grade 2, 02030000 - Grade 3, 02040000 - Grade 4, 02050000 - Grade 5, 02060000 - Grade 6) for the core curriculum or the subject specific Service IDs in the student and teacher scheduling system(s). However, the district should make the decision to report these elementary Service IDs based upon how the students will be reported on the 415 Course Completion record in the summer submission. A school will not be able to report teachers using one method and students with the other as the data will not pass the fatal edits in the summer submission for the Classroom Link data reporting.

CLASS-PERIOD (E1074) is the class period identifier that illustrates the time of the school day that a particular class was offered.

The value reported for CLASS-PERIOD may consist of any combination of letters (A – Z) and/or numbers (0 – 9). The value reported for CLASS-PERIOD is useful to school teachers and administrators who review classroom performance data in the Student Assessment Data Portal.

COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE (E0948) indicates which portion of a course that is more than one semester in length is being reported.

The COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE identifies the order in which the course was scheduled in the class scheduling system.

NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE (E1072) indicates that a course was offered for class credit or student achievement, but 1) was not taught by a school district/charter school employee or a contracted teacher, or 2) was taught by a school district/charter school employee or a contracted teacher at a facility other than the campus where the student is enrolled.


01 - College Campus Based Course - College course (usually a dual credit course) is taught either on a college campus or a high school campus by an instructor not employed by the LEA. College courses taught on a high school campus by a LEA teacher with college credentials cannot be coded with NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE 01.

02 - Electronic/Internet/Correspondence Based Course – Any course that is taught not using an actual teacher (ROLE-ID 087 or 047) in the classroom where the student(s) meet for the class. Examples include internet delivered curriculum, academic instructional software programs, video instruction (live or recorded), online courses, etc…

03 - Non-District Teacher Providing Classroom Instruction Services – This course is taught by a teacher that is employed by another school district/charter. The “classroom” could be at any suitable location. Do not use this code for reporting college instructors.

04 – Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Online Schools program (Formerly Electronic Course Program (eCP)) – This is a full-time virtual program available only to eligible students in grade levels 3 - 12 who are enrolled in an eligible LEA participating in the program. For additional information and rules refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. In order for a school to receive state funding for students enrolled in the TxVSN online school, all TxVSN Online Schools program course sections offered to students must be reported with this code.

05 - Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Statewide Online Course Catalog – This program provides a supplemental statewide online course catalog of high school, advanced placement, and dual credit courses to eligible students in grade levels 9 - 12 who are enrolled in the LEA. For additional information refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. In order for a school to receive state funding for students enrolled in courses offered through the TxVSN statewide course catalog, all TxVSN Statewide course catalog course sections offered to students must be reported with this code.

06 - Non-Campus Teacher Providing Instruction at Another District Facility – These courses are taught in the district at a location that does not have its own campus number. An example of this would be when the CTE program courses are all taught at a central CTE location that is not eligible for its own campus number. These teachers are not associated with any other campus in the LEA.

07 - Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) - TEC 37.011 – These courses are always taught at a JJAEP that has been established in accordance with TEC 37.011, and are taught by teachers that are hired or are paid for by the JJAEP.

08 - Credit by Exam – This code reflects those courses for which a student earned credit through the official “credit by exam” process.

09 - Out of District DAEP Program – This code reflects those courses that a student is assigned to while placed in a DAEP that is physically located in another school district or charter school. While this code is similar to the “Non District Teacher “code 03, it is limited to those instances of a student attending a DAEP that is physically under the control of another school district or charter school.

10 - Non-District PE Substitution Program (Limited to Service IDs PES00008 - PES00011) – The use of this code is limited to those cases where the LEA has authorized a student to earn PE credit by participating in a physical education activity that is not offered by the LEA. These include such things as gymnastic organizations, etc…

99 – Other - The use of this code is limited to those situations where no other Non Campus Based Instruction code listed above applies and the teacher, if applicable, in the classroom is not employed by or under direct contract to the LEA. The use of Non Campus Based Instruction Code 99 should be rare.

Reporting Requirements

One 300 Course Section record must be submitted in submission 3 for each reportable unique class (course section) that was offered during the school year. Report all courses offered through a campus regardless of the method of instructional delivery. If a student is being instructed in a particular Service on or through a campus, then the information for that SERVICE-ID should be included on the 300 Course Section record. Each LEA must begin tracking the course sections for reporting purposes as of the PEIMS fall snapshot date and for any course sections that were completed prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date.

For each 300 Campus - Course Section record reported there must be a matching 305 record where CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE is the same. This rule checks the data key between the 300 Course Section and the 305 Teacher Class Assignment record and is enforced by a fatal edit.

For each 300 Campus - Course Section record where NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE is “00”, there must be a matching 305 record (DISTRICT-ID, CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE, where CLASS-ROLE is ‘01’ (Teacher of Record). This rule ensures that each course section offered at a campus that should have a teacher assigned to it, does indeed have a teacher reported for that section. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit.

For each 300 Campus - Course Section record, there must be a matching 415 Student - Course Completion record where CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT matches CAMPUS-ID, and SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE is the same. This rule ensures that each course section offered at a campus has at least one student assigned to that course section. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit.

For students that are placed in or are expelled to a DAEP program, or expelled to a JJAEP, the campus that enrolls the student during these disciplinary removals is responsible for creating the 300 Course Section records that reflect the new course sections to which the student has been assigned while attending a DAEP or a JJAEP.

Special Reporting Requirements

Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) must report the 300 Course Section record.