PET Changes for 2015-2016


PET Data Submission Responsibilities and Specifications

Close cooperation of school districts, regional Education Service Centers (ESCs), and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) is required for the successful submission of the Person Enrollment Tracking (PET) data.

Submission Description

The PET Submission is a report of student enrollment information for the current school year.

2015-2016 PET Submission Timelines

TEA requires submission of PET extract files as part of the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) data submissions. PET files are submitted each week a district is in session based on the local instructional calendar. PET file submissions should begin on or before the third week of school based on the local instructional calendar. PET files are not required in weeks that a district is not in session for at least one day or during the weeks that PEIMS submissions are due at TEA. Exception: Once a district has completed its final summer submission and its PEIMS data file has reached a status of “TURNAROUND REPORTS AVAIL,” one additional PET submission is required.

School District Responsibilities

School districts are responsible for validating and editing data according to edit rules supplied by TEA in the 2015-2016 PEIMS Data Standards. Districts are responsible for delivery of data that has completed the PET validation process to TEA on a weekly basis.

Questions concerning the Data Standards or any of the above topics should be directed to the PEIMS Coordinator at the district's ESC. The coordinator endeavors to answer the question or calls TEA, if necessary. If the coordinator, or the coordinator's alternate, is not available at the ESC after a reasonable amount of time, district personnel may call TEA directly at (512) 463-9229 for PEIMS or EDIT+ questions. A district should always attempt to contact the ESC before calling TEA.

Person Enrollment Tracking (PET) Overview

PET maintains up-to-date enrollment data for all students in Texas public school districts. Districts submit enrollment data for students in grades Early Education (EE) through 12 weekly, using an EDIT+ sub-application. The enrollment data required are: BirthDate, SexCode, GenerationCode, AmericanIndianAlaskanNativeCd, AsianCd, BlackAfricanAmericanCd, NativeHawaiianPacificIslandCd, WhiteCd, HispanicLatinoCd, EnrollDate, WithdrawDate, campus ID of enrollment, enrollment date and withdrawal date. School districts can only submit PET data as extracted from their SIS. Districts can search PET to locate students or view enrollment histories.

When PET data is searched through the EDIT+ system, demographic information from the TSDS Unique ID System is displayed.

A PET file submission will no longer add a new student to PID.

A PET file submission will not update an existing student’s demographics record in the TSDS Unique-ID system.

A new student can only be added, or an existing student’s demographics can only be updated through the TSDS Unique ID System.

A student must have a TSDS Unique ID assigned before being included in a PET file submission.

For more information about the Person Enrollment Tracking (PET) process, please contact

PET Security

Access to PET is secured by multiple levels of system and application-level security to protect the privacy of student education records as established by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Please refer to PET Access of the PEIMS Data Standards for information about requirements and forms to obtain access to the PET Application.

Data and File Requirements for Electronic Transmission via the Internet

Please refer to Section 1 of the PEIMS Data Standards for information about the data requirements for electronic transmissions of PET files.

Required Software for Transferring a PET Extract File

The process of transferring a PET extract file to TEA is the same process as for sending a PEIMS data file through EDIT+. A PET extract file must be sent using the .NET applet. For a machine that does not have .NET installed, the software can be downloaded from the PET Home page (or the EDIT+ Home page for EDIT+ PET users.) The EDIT+ User Reference and Training Guide at has information about the software download process.

The Technical Tips for .NET Installation and Usage documentation is available to print and read before installing .NET. This document is located at the ‘Tech Tips’ link of the EDIT+ External Website at

Additionally, a patch is required for Internet Explorer 8 and above to allow the PET file to be transferred successfully. Instructions for downloading and installing the patch are available from your Education Service Center (ESC) PEIMS Support contact, or from TEA’s EDIT+ Support. Note that EDIT+ supports Internet Explorer browsers.

Note: In addition to the .NET Framework download, Adobe Reader® is required to view PET reports.

Minimum System Requirements by Product

Please refer to Section 1 of the PEIMS Data Standards for information about minimum system requirements.

Data Submission Specifications

The following requirements are for use by PET users in formatting files for transmission to the agency. Failure to adhere to the standards can delay processing of the data or cause the data to be rejected.

Data for each reporting entity are in a separate PET Extract File formatted consistent with the PET XML Schema Definition (XSD) before starting the PET transmission. Files contain only district data and should be complete submissions of district data.

PET data files are constructed using the specifications outlined in the PET Data and File Requirements section. The PET file name identifies the reporting entity and follows this naming convention:



2nd – 5th

6th – 11th

File Extension (opt)


PET Submission (P)

4 digit school year 2015-2016 (2016)

County-District Number



P2015101912 = 2015-2016 PET Submission for Houston ISD with no file extension

P2015227901.xml = 2015-2016 PET Submission Austin ISD with a file extension

Note: EDIT+ file naming conventions do not apply to PET files.