PET Field Edits
A PET event is an individual student’s enrollment to or withdrawal from a CAMPUS-ID-OF- ENROLLMENT tightly coupled with the date the enrollment or withdrawal took place. Although the districts are provided with a manual capability to create a PET event, most districts submit their enrollment and withdrawal events to TEA in an XML-based extract file. The file is referred to as an ‘extract’ file because it is created through a vendor-supported process that extracts event information from a district’s student information system. The extracted data are stored in an XML-based file consistent with the PET XML Schema Definition (XSD). Prior to transferring the PET Extract File to TEA, the system verifies the structure of the file against the PET XSD. In addition, the system verifies the contents of the file against the declared data types and restrictions defined for each element in the PET XSD for each simple type element. The data types and restrictions defined with the PET XSD constitute the PET Field Edits.