Rule Applies To | ||||||||
Legacy Edit # |
TEDS Rule # |
Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business Meaning |
Edit |
Sub |
District |
Campus |
Charter |
11003 |
40110-0002 |
If SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then there must be a 163 record for that student. |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If a student is reported as a special education student, then the 163 special education record must be reported. | ||||||||
11011 |
40110-0003 |
If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is not blank, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA ending in "001" - "698". |
F |
1 |
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X |
X | |
If reported, a student's campus id of enrollment must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA ending in "001" - "698". | ||||||||
11018 |
40110-0056 |
If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "EE" and age is 3 - 5 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date, then PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD should be "1". |
SW |
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X | |
If a student is 3 - 5 years old on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and is enrolled in "EE", generally they will be a special education participant in the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities. | ||||||||
11023 |
40163-0046 |
If ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is "0" and age is 3 - 5 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date, then PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD should be "1". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If a student is 3 - 5 years old on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and is "not in membership", generally they will be a special education participant in the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities. | ||||||||
11024 |
40110-0004 |
If ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is "3" or "6", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be blank and the first six characters must not match DISTRICT-ID. |
F |
1 |
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X | |
If a student is a transfer student, then campus id of residence must be reported and it must not be in the reporting district. | ||||||||
11025 |
40110-0059 |
The GRADE-LEVEL-CODE shown for the STUDENT-ID should be found in the grade range of the campus shown in CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT for the student, unless CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is blank or SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student should generally be enrolled in a grade applicable to their campus id of enrollment, unless they are in special education or their campus id of enrollment is blank. | ||||||||
11029 |
40100-0115 |
At least one record should have an AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE of "1". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
There should be at least one student identified as at-risk. | ||||||||
11030 |
40110-0041 |
At least one record should have a SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE of "1". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
There should be at least one student identified as special education. | ||||||||
11031 |
40110-0042 |
At least one record should have a GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE of "1". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
There should be at least one student identified as gifted and talented. | ||||||||
11033 |
40100-0116 |
At least one record should have a LEP-INDICATOR-CODE of "1". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
There should be at least one student identified as limited English proficient (LEP). | ||||||||
11035 |
40110-0007 |
F |
1 |
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X | |
A student must not participate in both the ESL Program and the Bilingual Program on the fall snapshot date. | ||||||||
11036 |
40110-0053 |
If age is less than 5 on September 1, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be "EE" or "PK". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student that is age 4 or less on September 1 should be enrolled in "EE" or "PK". | ||||||||
11041 |
40100-0142 |
If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE must not be blank. |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
An LEP student must be reported with a bilingual/ESL parental permission code. | ||||||||
11046 |
40110-0016 |
If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "C", "7", or "8", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1", and BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "0" and ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "0". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If bilingual/ESL parental permission code indicates the parent or guardian did not respond, was not contacted, or denied placement in any special language program, then the student must have been identified LEP, but may not participate in the Bilingual Program or the ESL Program. | ||||||||
11051 |
40110-0008 |
If ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is "2" or "3", then BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "0". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student must not participate in both the ESL Program and the Bilingual Program on the fall snapshot date. | ||||||||
11052 |
40100-0117 |
At least one record should have an ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE of "1". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
There should be at least one student identified as eligible for full day attendance. | ||||||||
11053 |
40110-0045 |
At least one record should have a TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE of "6"-"9". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
There should be at least one student identified as participating in the Title I program. | ||||||||
11054 |
40110-0046 |
At least one record should have a BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE of "2", "3", "4", or "5". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
There should be at least one student identified as participating in a Bilingual program. | ||||||||
11055 |
40110-0047 |
At least one record should have an ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE of "2" or "3". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
There should be at least one student identified as participating in an English as a Second Language (ESL) program. | ||||||||
11057 |
40110-0055 |
If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "EE" and age is less than 3 on September 1, then the EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE should be "1" or the PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE or SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE or TERTIARY-DISABILITY-CODE should be set to "03", "04" or "05". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If a student is less than 3 years of age on September 1 and is enrolled in "EE", then the student generally should be participating in the Early Childhood Intervention program, or have one of the following disabilities: auditory impairment, visual impairment, or deaf-blind. | ||||||||
11058 |
40110-0050 |
If there is at least one record on a campus where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "12", then there should be at least one 203 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID where LEAVER-REASON-CODE is "01". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If student enrollment is reported for grade "12" on a campus, then at least one student leaver generally should be reported as graduated from that campus. | ||||||||
11059 |
40110-0052 |
If there is at least one 110 record with a CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT for a given campus, then there should be at least one 090 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID and a ROLE-ID of "047", or "087", unless the campus is registered with the TEA as a JJAEP. |
SW |
1 |
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X |
X | |
Unless the campus is a JJAEP, if student enrollment is reported on a campus, then a teacher or substitute teacher should generally be reported for that campus. | ||||||||
11060 |
40110-0067 |
The total number of 110 records with a given CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT divided by the total number of staff with a unique STAFF-ID, ROLE-ID of "047", or "087", and matching CAMPUS-ID should not be greater than 30. |
W |
1 |
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X | |
For a given campus, the ratio of students to teachers generally should not be greater than 30 to 1. | ||||||||
11064 |
40110-0014 |
If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "A", "B", "E", "F", or "J", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1", and ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "2" or "3" |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If the parental permission code indicates that an LEP student has been approved for participation in the ESL Program, then the student must be reported as LEP and as participating in the ESL Program. | ||||||||
11065 |
40110-0013 |
If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "3", then BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must not be "0", and LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must not be "1". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If the parental permission code indicates a parent or guardian has requested placement of a non-LEP student in the Bilingual Program, then the student must be reported as participating in the Bilingual Program and must not be reported as LEP. | ||||||||
11066 |
40110-0017 |
F |
1 |
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X | |
If the parental permission code indicates a parent or guardian has approved placement of an LEP student in the Bilingual Program, then the student must be reported as LEP and as participating in the Bilingual Program. | ||||||||
11070 |
40100-0112 |
If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1" and age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date is less than 26, then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student that is reported as LEP and is less than 26 years of age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date must be reported as At-Risk. | ||||||||
11073 |
If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is not blank, then there must be an 020 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID. |
F |
1 |
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X |
X | ||
A student’s campus id of enrollment must match on both the 110 student enrollment record and the 020 campus record. | ||||||||
11077 |
40110-0005 |
If ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is "1"-"8", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be blank. |
F |
1 |
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X |
X | |
If a student is in membership, then a campus id of enrollment must be reported for the student. | ||||||||
11078 |
40110-0006 |
For a particular STUDENT-ID, if the ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is "1", "2", "3", "6" or "7" and the SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", the student’s age on September 1 must be less than 22. |
F |
1 |
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X |
X | |
A special education student must be less than 22 years of age on September1 to be eligible for ADA. | ||||||||
11079 |
40100-0114 |
If a student's age on September 1 of the current school year is greater than 25, then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be "0", "4", "5" or "8". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student that is more than 25 years old on September 1 must be reported as "not in membership" or ineligible for ADA. | ||||||||
11080 |
40110-0058 |
If a student's age on September 1 of the current school year is less than 5, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "KG"-"06", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE should be "0", "4", or "5". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If a student is less than 5 years old on September 1, and is reported in grades "KG"-"06", then the ADA eligibility code should indicate the student is "not in membership", ineligible-full day, or ineligible-half day. | ||||||||
11081 |
40110-0023 |
F |
1 |
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X |
X | |
Students enrolled in grades "EE" and "PK" must not be reported as participating in the Gifted and Talented program. | ||||||||
11083 |
40110-0049 |
If a campus is registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus, excluding DAEPs, then there should be at least one record with a matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT with a GRADE-LEVEL-CODE for each grade registered as a grade of instruction for the campus. |
SW |
1 |
X |
X | ||
Each grade level for each active instructional campus in a district generally should have student enrollment reported. | ||||||||
11085 |
40110-0060 |
If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "06", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE should be "3" or "6". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If a student’s attribution code indicates a transfer between districts, then their ADA eligibility should indicate eligible transfer student-full day or eligible transfer student-half day. | ||||||||
11086 |
40110-0026 |
If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "06", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must not be "1" or "2". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If a student’s attribution code indicates a transfer between districts, then their ADA eligibility must not indicate eligible for full day or half day attendance, and should indicate eligible transfer student-full day or eligible transfer student-half day. | ||||||||
11087 |
There must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE. |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | ||
For each 110 student enrollment record reported, there must be a 101 student demographic record with a matching student id and grade level code. | ||||||||
11088 |
40110-0051 |
If there is at least one record on a campus where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "07"-"12", then there should be at least one 203 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID where LEAVER-REASON-CODE is not "01". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If student enrollment is reported for grades "07"-"12" on a campus, then at least one student leaver record should be reported with a leaver reason code other than graduated. | ||||||||
11089 |
40110-0027 |
If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "02", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must be a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP. |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If a student’s attribution code indicates a JJAEP, then the student’s campus id of enrollment must be a JJAEP. | ||||||||
11090 |
40110-0018 |
If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "F", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "09"-"12". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If a parent or guardian of a grade "09" - "12" LEP student has approved services in accordance with the LPAC Plan, then that student must be enrolled in grades "09"-"12". | ||||||||
11093 |
40110-0024 |
If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP, then STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE must be "02". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If a student’s campus id of enrollment is a JJAEP, then the student’s attribution code must indicate a JJAEP. | ||||||||
11095 |
40110-0066 |
If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "D", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should not be "09"-"12". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If a parent or guardian has approved placement of an LEP student in the Bilingual Program, then the student should not be enrolled in grades "09"-"12". | ||||||||
11097 |
The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record. |
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X | ||
The district id on the 110 record must match the district id on the 010 record. | ||||||||
11098 |
40110-0001 |
There must be a 100 record with a matching STUDENT-ID and ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE. |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
For each 110 student enrollment record reported, there must be a 100 student identification record with a matching student id and ADA eligibility code. | ||||||||
11099 |
40100-0143 |
If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "G", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be "0", "F", or "S". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If a parent or guardian has approved the placement of a recently exited non-LEP student in a Bilingual or ESL Program, then the student must not be reported as LEP, or must be reported as a student exited from LEP Status and being monitored. | ||||||||
1101A |
40110-0054 |
If ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is "0" and age is less than 3 on September 1, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be "EE". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student that is reported as "not in membership" and is less than 3 years old on September 1 should be reported in grade level "EE". | ||||||||
1101B |
40110-0064 |
If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is not "05"-"09", then SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE should be blank. |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
The SSI promotion retention code only applies to students in grades "05"-"09". | ||||||||
1101J |
40110-0063 |
If SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE is "03", "05", or "07", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be "06". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
SSI promotion retention codes "03", "05", and "07" only apply to students in grade "06". | ||||||||
1101K |
40110-0020 |
If SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE is "04", "06", or "08", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "05". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
SSI promotion retention codes "04", "06", and "08" only apply to students in grade "05". | ||||||||
1101L |
40110-0061 |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student in grade level "05" generally should have an SSI promotion retention code of blank, "04", "06", or "08". | ||||||||
1101M |
40110-0062 |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student in grade level "06" generally should have a SSI promotion retention code of blank, "03", "05", or "07". | ||||||||
1101N |
40110-0048 |
FORMER EDIT DELETED FOR 15-16 ONLY, REINSTATE FOR 16-17 For grade levels "05" and "06", at least one record should have an SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE of "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", or "08". |
W |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
At least one student in grade levels "05" and "06" generally should have an SSI promotion retention code of "03" - "08". | ||||||||
1101R |
40110-0010 |
If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "2", "3", "4", or "5", or ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "2" or "3", unless PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "C", "7", or "8". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If a student is LEP, then they must participate in either the Bilingual Program or the ESL Program, unless parental permission to participate was not obtained. | ||||||||
1101S |
40110-0015 |
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1 |
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X |
X | |
If a student’s parental permission indicates the parent or guardian has approved placement of a grade PK-8 LEP student in the required ESL program, then the student must be grade level "PK"-"08". | ||||||||
1101T |
40110-0028 |
If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is blank, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "EE". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
Only certain students in grade level "EE" can be reported without a campus id of enrollment. | ||||||||
1101U |
40110-0012 |
If BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is not "0", or ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is not "0", then PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE must not be blank. |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student participating in the Bilingual Program or the ESL Program must be reported with a parental permission code. | ||||||||
1101V |
40110-0031 |
If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", then PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must not be blank. |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A "PK" student must be reported with a PK program type code. | ||||||||
1101W |
40110-0032 |
If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK" and PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is "00", "02", "04", or "05", then PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE must not be blank. |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A "PK" student that is in a PK program full day or is ineligible for PK must be reported with a primary PK funding source code to describe how their program is funded above the state allotment (FSP). | ||||||||
1101X |
40110-0033 |
If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK" and PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is "01" or "03", then PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE must be blank. |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A "PK" student that is in a PK program less than full day or is served additionally with special education services does not need to be reported with a primary PK funding source. | ||||||||
1101Y |
40110 -0030 |
F |
1 |
X |
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X | |
A student not enrolled in grade level PK must not report a PK program type code, primary PK funding source code, or a secondary PK funding source code. | ||||||||
1101Z |
40110-0034 |
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1 |
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X | |
Any student reported with a secondary PK funding source must be reported with a primary PK funding source. | ||||||||
1102A |
40100-0113 |
If age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date is greater than 25, then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE must be "0". |
F |
1 |
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X |
X | |
The at-risk indicator is only applicable to students who are less than 26 years old on the PEIMS fall snapshot date. | ||||||||
1102D |
40100-0109 |
If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", and ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is "1", "2", "3", or "6", then either LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1", ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE must be "01", "02", or "99", MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE must be "4", FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1" or "2", or HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE must not be "0". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student that is enrolled in "PK" as an eligible student must be reported as one or more of the following: LEP, economically disadvantaged, military connected, a current or former foster care child, or homeless. | ||||||||
1102E |
40110-0072 |
If SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE is "10", "12", or "14", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "08". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
SSI promotion retention codes "10", "12", and "14" only apply to students in grade "08". | ||||||||
1102F |
40110-0073 |
If SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE is "09", "11", or "13", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be "09". |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
SSI promotion retention codes "09", "11", and "13" only apply to students in grade "09". | ||||||||
1102G |
40110-0074 |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student in grade level "08" generally should have an SSI promotion retention code of blank, "10", "12", or "14". | ||||||||
1102H |
40110-0075 |
SW |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student in grade level "09" generally should have an SSI promotion retention code of blank, "09", "11", or "13". | ||||||||
1102J |
40110-0076 |
FORMER EDIT DELETED FOR 15-16 ONLY, REINSTATE FOR 16-17 For GRADE-LEVEL-CODE "08" and "09", at least one record should have an SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE of "09"-"14". |
W |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
At least one student in grade levels "08" and "09" generally should have an SSI promotion retention code of "09" - "14". | ||||||||
1102K |
40110-0126 |
If a student's age on September 1 of the current school year is 5, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE should be "4" or "5". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
If a student is 5 years old on September 1 and is in grade "PK", then the ADA eligibility code must indicate the student is ineligible-full day, or ineligible-half day for average daily attendance. | ||||||||
1102L |
40110-0131 |
F |
1 |
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X |
X | |
If a student is receiving "services for the homeless" under the Title I, Part A program, then the student must be reported as homeless on the 100 student identification record. | ||||||||
1102M |
40110-0137 |
If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then HOME-LANGUAGE-CODE should not be "98". |
W |
1 |
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X |
X | |
An LEP student should not be reported with English as the language spoken in their home. | ||||||||
1102N |
40100-0146 |
If HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE is not "0" and AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is “B”, “D”, “F”, or “X”, then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student that is enrolled this year on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and is reported as homeless is an At-Risk student by definition. | ||||||||
1102P |
40100-0147 |
SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE must not be "05", "06", "07", "08", "11", "12", "13", or "14". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
SSI promotion retention codes must not be "05", "06", "07", "08", "11", "12", "13", or "14". The SSI requirement that students in grades 5 and 8 must pass the STAAR mathematics assessment in order to move to the next grade level is suspended for the 2014-2015 school year. Therefore these SSI promotion retention codes cannot be reported in 2015-2016. | ||||||||
1102Q |
40110-0154 |
If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "05", then SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE must be blank or "04". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student in grade level "05" must have an SSI promotion retention code of blank or "04". | ||||||||
1102R |
40110-0155 |
If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "06", then SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE must be blank or "03". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student in grade level "06" must have an SSI promotion retention code of blank or "03". | ||||||||
1102S |
40110-0156 |
For all students in GRADE-LEVEL-CODE "05" and "06", at least one record should have an SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE of "03" or "04". |
W |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
At least one student in grades "05" and "06" should have an SSI promotion retention code of "03" - "04". | ||||||||
1102T |
40110-0157 |
If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "08", then SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE must be blank or "10". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student in grade level "08" must have an SSI promotion retention code of blank or "10". | ||||||||
1102U |
40110-0158 |
If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09", then SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE must be blank or "09". |
F |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
A student in grade level "09" must have an SSI promotion retention code of blank or "09". | ||||||||
1102V |
40110-0159 |
For all students in GRADE-LEVEL-CODE "08" and "09", at least one record should have an SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE of "09" or "10". |
W |
1 |
X |
X |
X | |
At least one student in grades "08" and "09" should have an SSI promotion retention code of "09" - "10". |