Access to PEIMS EDIT+

A TEASE ID and access to the PEIMS EDIT+ application are requirements for using EDIT+, PET (Person Enrollment Tracking), and SAF (Superintendent Approval Form).

Request TEASE ID

1. Fill out the online TEASE application found at:

2. The Applicant identified in Section 1 signs in the “Applicant’s Signature” field in Section 4. The Applicant’s Supervisor must also sign the application. If the Applicant is the Superintendent or ESC Executive Director, no Supervisor Signature is required.

3. The LEA PEIMS Coordinator creates the new user profile in EDIT+ using the standard TEASE ID format assigned by TEA Computer Access. NOTE: Some ESCs provide this service for their LEAs. Check with your ESC PEIMS Coordinator for the procedure appropriate for your LEA.

4. For more information regarding establishing EDIT+ user access, see Chapter 2 – EDIT+ User: IDs and Profiles in the EDIT+ Administrator Reference and Training Guide. A copy of the Guide can be obtained from the User Materials section of the User Setup link on the EDIT+ external website at

5. Scan the completed and signed form and email to

6. Once all documentation is received and verified, TEA finishes the profile and the TEASE ID is issued.

7. The TEASE system automatically emails the TEASE ID to the Applicant and sends a temporary password by separate email.

PEIMS EDIT+ with SAF Access (available only to Superintendents or persons acting in the role and responsibility of a Superintendent) This responsibility may not be delegated or shared with a second person.

1. Superintendents follow the steps in “Request TEASE ID,” above.

2. TEA assigns access to SAF in the profile created by the LEA PEIMS Coordinator (see “Request TEASE ID,” Step #3 above).

PET Access

Answer the four questions related to the applicant’s plan to protect the confidential data.

PEIMS EDIT+, PET, and SAF access to a LEA outside the applicant’s home Region (Alternate Agent IDs)

If you need access to a LEA outside your Region, you must request an Alternate Agent ID rather than an additional TEASE username.

1. If the applicant does not have a TEASE ID with PEIMS EDIT+ access, complete the steps in “Request TEASE ID, above.”

2. In Section 3A, enter the District ID (county-district number) of the LEA the applicant needs to access.

3. In addition to the signatures required in “Request TEASE ID,” above, obtain the signature of the Superintendent of the LEA to which the applicant needs access.

4. Upon receipt of the completed form, TEA adds the Alternate ID to the profile created by the LEA PEIMS Coordinator (see “Request TEASE ID,” Step #3 above) and notifies the user by email.