LEA Responsibilities
LEAs are responsible for:
1. submitting current, complete, and accurate data for all record groups required for each collection;
2. validating and editing data according to edit rules in the PEIMS Data Standards;
3. reviewing all EDIT+ reports for data accuracy;
4. correcting all errors found by the ESC during the data validation process in a timely manner; and
5. delivering “fatal-free” corrected data on or before the due dates set by their ESCs and TEA.
LEAs are responsible for meeting the ESC established due dates for each collection. The ESCs establish due dates to allow sufficient time to process and “accept” LEA data before the TEA deadline for each collection (see the PEIMS Submission and Resubmission Timelines).
Superintendents/Chief Administrative Officers/Chief Executive Officers/Presidents of LEAs are responsible for submitting the electronic "Superintendent’s Statement of Approval of Summary Report and Error Listing" (SAF) for each submission and resubmission based on the final review of the LEA’s PEIMS data file.
The electronic signature (SAF) certifies
1. the LEA has submitted all required data with zero fatal errors;
2. the LEA has verified the accuracy and the authenticity of the data submitted for the collection;
3. the data presented in the summary reports and all warning messages in the edit error listing have been reviewed for accuracy; and
4. the accuracy and authenticity of the data submitted for the collection.
The electronically signed SAF form is stored on a secured TEA server and a copy is emailed to the email addresses listed in EDIT+ under SAF administration for the LEA.