Special File Procedures
User procedure for requesting Max Load removal:
A Max Load Errors Exceeded status indicates that the file contained more than 500 load errors. Load errors prevent data from being loaded into the database on the EDIT+ server. Load errors occur due to data formatting problems or missing mandatory fields. The first 500 errors are displayed in the edit error report. When more than 500 loader errors occur, overall data processing stops.
- The user should first attempt to find and correct the issue within their Student Information System as most likely, the error affects all records of the same record type within the file.
- The user must contact PEIMS EDIT+ Customer Support and request the “Max Load Limit” be removed for its County-District ID by either;
- Emailing: editplus@tea.state.tx.us , or
- Creating a "Customer Service Request” from within EDIT+.
- The user receives email notification with the expiration date of his or her request.
- If additional time is needed after the request has expired, the user repeats Step # 1.
User procedure for requesting to raise the Max Rule Error Limit:
A Max Validation Errors Exceeded (per Rule Error Limit) status indicates that the file contains greater than a default number of validation errors on a specific edit. The default starts at 500 errors. When the Max Validation Errors Exceed rule is applied, the validation process stops for the particular edit and validation continues on to the next edit. The default listing of errors is displayed in the error report. All special warnings and warnings are displayed as well.
- The user should first attempt to find and correct the issue within their Student Information System as most likely, the error affects all records of the same record type within the file.
- The user must contact PEIMS EDIT+ Customer Support and request the “Max Rule Error Limit” be removed for its County-District ID by either;
- Emailing: editplus@tea.state.tx.us or
- Creating a "Customer Service Request” from within EDIT+.
- The user receives email notification with the expiration date of his or her request.
This version of the PEIMS Data Standards is a programmatically converted HTML version of the PEIMS Data Standards. It is intended as a job aid to facilitate navigation of the PEIMS Data Standards documentation and should not be used to submit PEIMS data or to reach final conclusions about individual public schools. All of the information provided is reviewed for accuracy and reliability; however, TEA assumes no responsibility for any errors appearing in the HTML version of the PEIMS Data Standards.