The PEIMS data consists of five categories: organization, district finance (budget, payroll, and actual), course section, staff, and student. A record layout(s) format is specified for the reporting of data within each category. These record layouts are mandatory for data submission for each school district, charter school, and education service centers (ESCs) when submitting PEIMS data to the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Throughout the PEIMS Data Standards documentation, school districts and charter schools will be jointly referred to as local education agencies (LEAs). Education service centers will be referred to as ESCs.
LEAs and ESCs should think of the PEIMS reporting requirements in terms of the submission of a set of data files rather than the filing of a report. Data extracted from a LEAs student information system (SIS), whether automated or not, must be formatted according to the specified record layouts for each PEIMS submission. Every LEA and ESC in the state will use the same record layout to submit data, regardless of the degree of sophistication of its SIS and/or data processing facility.
The school district's data files will be processed through the PEIMS data validations when loaded to the EDIT+ system at the Texas Education Agency (TEA). All fatal errors that are identified must be corrected before the TEA will accept a LEA or ESC’s PEIMS data. Special warning and warning edits must be reviewed for data accuracy by the appropriate LEA and ESC staff before the data is approved by the same.
PEIMS data is collected four times each school year. The collections are Submission 1 (Fall Snapshot (including student leaver) data), Submission 2 (Mid-Year (prior year financial actual) data), Submission 3 (Summer (school year attendance) data), and Submission 4 (Extended Year (summer program) data).
This section of the PEIMS Data Standards includes data file layouts, which provide a chart (on the following page) to show the relationship of data submission files to record types. Also described, for each record type, is the following information on the data submission for the current school year, both for school districts submission of data to the ESCs and the ESCs submission of data to TEA: