Jack Instructor, Staff ID 000-21-9876, is a part-time (50%) teacher at Learning High School (999-999-001), has been working in the district for the past 10 years, and is employed for 187 days per year.
Input Record |
District ID |
Staff ID |
Years Experience in District |
Number Days Employed |
Percent Day Employed |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
050 |
999999 |
000219876 |
10 |
187 |
050 |
Explanation of 050 Staff - Employee Payroll Summary Record Layout
DISTRICT-ID 999999 indicates the county district number for Learning ISD.
STAFF-ID 000219876 indicates that Jack’s social security number is 000-21-9876.
YEARS-EXPERIENCE-IN-DISTRICT 10 indicates that jack has 10 years of professional experience at Learning ISD.
NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED is 187, the actual days Jack is employed per contract year.
PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED is reported as 050, since Jack is a 50% part-time employee.