Anne Example was served in the special education ESY services program. Her participation in this program is reported as follows.
Input Record Type |
District ID |
Student ID |
Campus ID of Enrollment |
Grade Level Code |
Instruc-tional Setting Code |
Total ESY Contact Hours in Instr Setting |
Instruc-tional Setting Code |
Total ESY Contact Hours in Instr Setting |
Local Student ID |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
408 |
999999 |
0004560890 |
999999041 |
07 |
42 |
0650 |
Explanation of 408 Student - Extended Year School Services Record Layout
DISTRICT-ID 999999 indicates the county district number for Learning ISD.
STUDENT-ID 0004560890 indicates the social security number for Anne Example. (This is a fictitious number.)
CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT 999999041 indicates the county district campus number for Learning ISD Middle School.
INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE 42 indicates that the ESY services were provided in the resource room instructional setting.
TOTAL-ESY-CONTACT-HRS-IN-INSTR-SETTING 0650 indicates that Anne received 65 contact hours.