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The 461 Student Data - Title I, Part A record represents a cumulative student count for all students receiving Title I, Part A services during the course of the entire school year. The 461 Title I Part A data indicates the type of Title I program offered at a particular campus and the specific Title I services that are provided to the students enrolled at that campus. The Title I services consist of 4 instructional services (reading, math, science, and social studies) and 3 support services (guidance counseling, social work, and health). The Information reported on Title I, Part A students is collected in order to meet reporting requirements to the U.S. Department of Education for schools that applied received Title I Part A monies.
INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE (E0755) identifies the type of data on a PEIMS data submission record.
DISTRICT-ID (E0212) indicates the district identification number registered with the Texas Education Agency.
DISTRICT-ID on the Title I Part A records must match the value for DISTRICT-ID on the LEA 010 District record.
STUDENT-ID (E0001) is the student's Social Security number or a state-approved alternative identification number.
When available, the student's Social Security number should be reported. If this number is not available, follow the instructions under the 100 Student Identification record for the assignment of an alternate identification number.
The first character of STUDENT-ID must be "S" or "0"-"8".
CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) indicates the unique campus identification number of the campus in which the student is enrolled.
The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must be in the range of 001-698.
CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match CAMPUS-ID on a 020 Campus record.
TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE (E0894) indicates whether the student is participating in a program authorized under ESEA, Title I, Part A of the Improving America's Schools Act.
For submission 3, TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODEs 6 (Schoolwide Program School), 7 (Targeted Assistance), 9 (Homeless) or A (Neglected) are the only valid codes.
All students attending a Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program School must be reported with a TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE “6”. Additionally, for all students reported on a Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program School, all the instructional and support service fields must be blank. (Enforced by fatal edit 46102)
Report a Participation Code of “1” for each of the Title I Part A instructional and/or support services that has been provided or is scheduled to be provided before July 1 for those students identified as Targeted Assistance (code 7), Homeless (code 9), or Neglected (code A). (Enforced by fatal edit 46103)
Definition of Neglected (Title I Part A Code “A”):
“Neglected” students are those who reside in a public or private residential (children are under 24-hour care) facility that is operated primarily for the care of children who have been committed to, or voluntarily placed in, the facility because of abandonment, neglect, or death of parents. These students are coded as “A” if they do not attend a schoolwide or targeted assistance campus. Such students who attend a Title I campus would be coded “6,” or “7,” as appropriate; if they attend a non-Title I campus or if the district provides instructional services to the student at the facility, they should be coded “A.”
LEAs would only code students as “A” in one of the following circumstances:
The TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODEs “9” and “A” apply only in special cases to students attending a non-Title I campus. These codes are only applicable to Non-Title I Part A campuses within Title I Part A-funded districts where the district is using Title I Part A funds to provide services to students identified as homeless or neglected.
TITLE-I-PART-A-READING-INDICATOR-CODE (E1018) indicates whether a student on a targeted assistance campus or non-Title I, Part A campus (identified as homeless or neglected) has received Title I, Part A funded supplementary reading instruction for a period of time during the course of the current school year, or will receive Title I, Part A reading instruction before July 1.
TITLE-I-PART-A-MATHEMATICS-INDICATOR-CODE (E1020) indicates whether a student on a targeted assistance campus or non-Title I, Part A campus (identified as homeless or neglected) has received Title I, Part A funded supplementary mathematics instruction for a period of time during the course of the current school year, or will receive Title I, Part A mathematics instruction before July 1.
TITLE-I-PART-A-SCIENCE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1021) indicates whether a student on a targeted assistance campus or non-Title I, Part A campus (identified as homeless or neglected) has received Title I, Part A funded supplementary science instruction for a period of time during the course of the current school year, or will receive Title I, Part A science instruction before July 1.
TITLE-I-PART-A-SOCIAL-STUDIES-INDICATOR-CODE (E1022) indicates whether a student on a targeted assistance campus or non-Title I, Part A campus (identified as homeless or neglected) has received Title I, Part A funded supplementary social studies instruction for a period of time during the course of the current school year, or will receive Title I, Part A social studies instruction before July 1.
TITLE-I-PART-A-GUIDANCE-COUNSELING-SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE (E1024) indicates whether a student on a targeted assistance campus or non-Title I, Part A campus (identified as homeless or neglected) has received Title I, Part A funded supplementary counseling, pupil services, or college and career awareness and preparation, such as college and career guidance, comprehensive career development, occupational information, enhancement of employability skills and occupational skills, personal finance education or job placement services for a period of time during the course of the current school year, or will receive Title I, Part A guidance/counseling services before July 1.
TITLE-I-PART-A-SOCIAL-WORK-SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE (E1025) indicates whether a student on a targeted assistance campus or non-Title I, Part A campus (identified as homeless or neglected) has received Title I, Part A funded supplementary social work services for a period of time during the course of the current school year, or will receive Title I, Part A social work services before July 1.
TITLE-I-PART-A-HEALTH-SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE (E1026) indicates whether a student on a targeted assistance campus or non-Title I, Part A campus (identified as homeless or neglected) has received Title I, Part A funded health, dental, or eye care services for a period of time during the course of the current school year, or will receive Title I, Part A health services before July 1.
If health, dental or eye care services are not available to eligible children in a targeted assistance campus and funds are not reasonably available from other public or private sources to provide services, then Title I, Part A funds may be used as a last resort to provide such services such as eye glasses and hearing aids.
A 461 Title I Part A record is required for each student in membership who was provided services though the Title I Part A program at any time from the beginning of the school year until the last day of school, or is scheduled to receive Title I Part A services before July 1.
Multiple 461 Title I Part A records must be reported for those students who transfer between from one Title I, Part A campus to another in the same LEA during the current school year.
CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on the 461 Title I Part A record must match CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on a 400 Student - Basic Attendance Record and/or 500 Student - Flexible Attendance record with a matching STUDENT-ID.
Special Reporting Requirements
Before completing the Title I Indicator Codes, please consult with the district’s Title I Coordinator to determine the Title I status of the LEA’s campuses.