Description of Data Elements

This section contains an alphabetical listing of all the data elements that will be reported by school districts, followed by a definition page for each data element. The pages are presented in data element ID sequence. A description of the information found on each definition page is as follows.

This section contains an alphabetical listing of all the data elements that will be reported by school districts, followed by a definition page for each data element. The pages are presented in data element ID sequence. A description of the information found on each definition page is as follows.



Data Element ID

Data element reference number in the form "E----"


Name of the data element

Date Issued

Date the element was added to the PEIMS database

Date Updated

Date of the last change to the data element


Meaning of the data element

Code Table ID

Reference number of the table that lists the valid codes, if any, for this data element. It has the form "C---".

Domain of Values

The acceptable values for the data element

Special Instructions

Additional edit criteria for the data element, when applicable


Length of the data element in characters


A data element is specified as one of the following:


  • a string of numeric characters
  • right-justification of the value is required
  • the area to the left of the value must be filled with zeroes
  • when the number is negative, the sign must be over-punched in the rightmost digit of the value
  • if decimal precision is required by the definition of a specific element, the decimal point is an implied position in the number. No decimal point is allowed.

Name Field

  • any of the following characters, in addition to the space character:
  • ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ + = : ; " ' , . / < > ?
  • left-justification is required
  • the area to the right of the value must be filled with blanks


  • a string of upper case alphanumeric characters of fixed length
  • if a value is present, it may not contain blanks
  • in most cases, the coded value is found in a code table; however, such elements as DATE-OF-BIRTH, and STUDENT-ID do not have an associated code table


The edit mask for the data element which is used in computer processing

Symbols found in 'Pattern' are as follows:


Restriction on Value


any of the characters accepted in the name field data type


implied decimal point


pattern continues without change


numeric characters "0" through "9"











An entry of all blanks is used when the value of a field in a given record is not applicable.

A field of zero(es) represents a coded value found in a code table or a zero value. It may not represent a non-applicable field.

When reporting BUDGET-AMOUNT and ACTUAL-AMOUNT, all revenues, expenditures, and fund balances are shown as unsigned positive numbers. In rare cases, some accounts may need to appear as negative numbers, such as when a deficit fund balance occurs. In ASCII data, a negative number is represented by changing the last digit in the number to one of several character symbols. The symbols indicate the last digit of the number and that the entire number is negative. For example, ASCII uses the dollar sign ($) to indicate that the last digit is an integer 4 and that the entire number is negative. Thus, the number -1234 is saved in ASCII as 123$. PEIMS will convert these symbols to the correct negative numbers.

When reporting BUDGET-AMOUNT and ACTUAL-AMOUNT, all revenues, expenditures, and fund balances are shown as unsigned positive numbers. In rare cases, some accounts may need to appear as negative numbers, such as when a deficit fund balance occurs. In ASCII data, a negative number is represented by changing the last digit in the number to one of several character symbols. The symbols indicate the last digit of the number and that the entire number is negative. For example, ASCII uses the dollar sign ($) to indicate that the last digit is an integer 4 and that the entire number is negative. Thus, the number -1234 is saved in ASCII as 123$. PEIMS will convert these symbols to the correct negative numbers.

Last Digit Of Negative Number

Character Used In ASCII



















