Data Element General Field Edits

Data element fields will be edited against their data element descriptions as provided in Section 3. These descriptions include the length, type, pattern, code table, and domain of values for each data element. The following rules will govern general field edits:

Data element fields will be edited against their data element descriptions as provided in Section 3. These descriptions include the length, type, pattern, code table, and domain of values for each data element. The following rules will govern general field edits:


Numeric data type elements must contain numeric characters and not have leading spaces.


If the element has a domain of values specified in Section 3, the reported value must fall within the specified domain.


Name Field and Coded data type elements must contain only the characters listed with those data types in Section 3.


If the element is a Coded data type and contains a value, the field must not contain any blanks.


If an element has a code table, the reported value must be in the specified code table.

The general field edits generate fatal errors. Violation of one or more of the general field edit rules will cause the record to be rejected. ESCs will forward a district's PEIMS data submission only after all fatal data element general field edit errors have been corrected.