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September 21, 2000


SUBJECT: Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate Incentive Program

The Advanced Placement (AP)/International Baccalaureate (IB) Incentive Program was enacted to emphasize high academic performance. Over the past seven years, since the program was first implemented, the number of students who participate has more than doubled to over 56,000. For the first time, more than 100,000 AP/IB examinations were taken by Texas public school students. The number of examinations taken by students with financial need increased from less than 3,000 in 1994 to over 17,000 in 2000. This growth is due, not just to additional state funding, but to the commitment of Texas educators and students who strive to meet the demands offered by challenging academic programs.

Because of the increased funding allocated to AP/IB by the 76th Texas Legislature, 1999, the agency was able to fund more components of the AP/IB program last school year. Those same components will be funded in the 2000-2001 school year and are listed below. Additional information on each of the components will be sent to districts throughout the year and also will be posted on the agency's web page at

  • The agency will assume $30 of the cost of every AP/IB examination taken by eligible Texas high school students. This means that rather than charging Texas students $77 for an examination, College Board will charge Texas students $47 per examination. International Baccalaureate examinations will be covered in the program as well, with the cost of an examination being no more than $20. To be eligible for this component, students must have taken a PEIMS-designated AP/IB course or be recommended by their principal. As a reminder, the Texas Education Agency pays the College Board and International Baccalaureate directly for the $30 per examination fee reduction. This money should not be collected from the student.
  • Students with financial need will receive further federal and state fee reductions. Students who are eligible for financial need reductions as outlined by the College Board are eligible for further AP/IB fee reduction. In the case of the AP examinations, campuses that request the student fee reduction for students with financial need receive an additional $22 reduction from College Board and waive their $7 school fee. This waiver, plus the $30 reduction on all Texas examinations and the $13 federal fee reduction means that students who are eligible for the additional fee waivers will pay $5 per AP examination taken. This same amount is charged students with financial need who take an IB examination.
  • Teacher training stipends of up to $450 will be available for AP/IB approved workshops. As in the past, AP summer institutes and IB teacher training workshops and summer programs will be reimbursed up to $450 for tuition and per diem. The summer institute must be one that is approved by the Southwestern Regional Office of the College Board.
  • Campuses will receive recognition for high student performance. To recognize the added efforts campuses must make to offer successful advanced level courses, the AP/IB legislation awards campuses a financial bonus for each student who scores three or above on the AP examination or four and above on an IB examination. The amount of the award cannot be announced at this time because it is dependent upon both the number of students taking examinations and the number who receive the indicated score.

The commitment to educational excellence by Texas educators and students is evident in the success of the AP/IB Program and we hope that the funding of these components strengthens programs even further. Should you like more information on the program and the funded components, please visit the TEA website at or call the Division of Advanced Academic Services at 512/463-9455.

Jim Nelson
Commissioner of Education

A MS Word Version of this letter is available for download.

For further information on this topic, contact the Division of Advanced Academic Services at 512/463-9455.

The campus awards will be based on the number of students who score a 3 or better on an AP exam, regardless of how many exams that student may have taken that did earn the appropriate score. For example, Student A takes 3 AP exams and earns a 3 on each exam. The campus will earn only one award for that student's achievement, not three awards.

The data to be submitted applies only to those examinations that were administered in May 2000. Appropriate scores earned during previous test administrations are not eligible for the campus awards.


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