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Example 4-Error on Verify

***W9100012 Error on Verify - SSN/ALT-ID matched but demographics did not match

Question: Our district attempted to add a student to the PID database using the student's Social Security number as the student ID but got an error on the PET report. It appears there is already a student in the PID database using that same-our student's Social Security number. What should the district do?

Answer: Double-check the number; if it is a photocopy make sure you can read the numbers without having to write them on the card. Contact the other district and ask that they do the same thing with their student's Social Security card. Districts can email each other through the email hyperlink in PET. If this doesn't solve the discrepancy then send to TEA the clearest copy possible of your student's card and the correspondence between your district and the other district. There have been rare occasions when the Social Security Administration issued the same number to more than one student and parents will need to be notified to contact their local office.