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Question and Answers for Error Correction during PEIMS Collections

Question: What is the relationship between manual corrections and the PID error rate? Is the error rate calculated after all manual corrections have been completed? Is there a deadline for sending manual corrections to the Texas Education Agency?

Answer: TEA process manual corrections all year. During PEIMS submission times, districts are given two cutoff dates to submit manual correction requests. The first cutoff date for manual corrections is before the first submission deadline. If manual correction requests are received by the first cutoff date, we make every effort to complete those requests before the first submission deadline. In addition, there is another cutoff date that corresponds to the PEIMS resubmission deadline. Always check the Data Standards section 1 Submission Descriptions for manual corrections and submissions deadlines. Requests for manual corrections received after the listed cutoff dates cannot be guaranteed to be completed before submission deadlines.

Question: My district recently finished the PEIMS summer submission. Upon completion and acceptance of the district's file, the PID reports indicated we had 6 PID errors. When the turnaround reports were available we had 8 PID errors. If our district does not do a resubmission, will the 8 PID errors count or will it be the 6 errors? How can there be 8 errors instead of the original 6 and at what point do the PID errors count toward the final PID Error rate?

Answer: A district's overall PID error rate is determined by its last data submission. Keep in mind the PID database can be updated any time and updated with 105 and 101 records during other districts' PEIMS submissions. Updates to a particular student's record in the PID database can often occur elsewhere (online or in another district's file that is ahead of your district) between your file submissions. In this instance, by the time the student's information in your district's file is processed, it will no longer match the most recent update to the student's record reported by another district (online or in a file that was processed ahead of your file). This will cause a (new and different) error when your district receives its turnaround report.

Edit Error reports are replaced each time a file is submitted---the first file submitted will be overwritten the next time that same file is submitted. When a district reaches turnaround status during resubmission, this is the final file that will determine how many uncorrected PID errors the district is left with.

Question: Our district has a PID error that involves the ethnicity and the middle name for a student on our Leaver report. If we correct those two discrepancies, will the student still show up on the Under-reported list? What does the Under-reported list use for comparison and which PID information does it use?

Answer: No, discrepancies in minor demographics - sex, ethnicity, middle name and generation code - are not considered when Leaver reports are compiled. A student listed on this report might also have minor demographic discrepancies, but that is not the reason they are on the Leaver report. The major demographics - ID number, first name, last name and date of birth - are the only data used to determine Leaver reports. The Under-reported (leaver) list compares current fall data against last year's fall and summer data to determine if a student should be reported as a leaver.

Question: If our district cannot insist on getting copies of a student's Social Security card or birth certificate, what should we do if we need documentation for PID errors that we send to TEA?

Answer: A district cannot demand a Social Security card or birth certificate copy from a student. Some type of documentation is however required when a student enrolls in a district. See Section 3, General Attendance Requirements, in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for a list of alternate documents acceptable for proof of identification and what procedure to follow if a student does not provide any type of documentation within a certain time frame. You may also contact the PID coordinator at 512.463.9820 to discuss the situation.