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Questions and Answers for Common Discrepancy Errors

Question: What is a PID error and what causes a district to get one?

Answer: With each PEIMS data submission districts receive diagnostic reports of PID errors. A PID error is reported if enough of the identifying information for an individual matches an existing PID record to suggest that this is the same individual, but one or more required elements do not match. As an example, a record submitted with the same Social Security number but different last name from a record in the PID file would produce a PID error.

There are four major demographics that must be unique to all students in the PID database:

If there is a discrepancy in one or a combination of these demographics, districts will receive a list of PID errors.

A PID error list can be reported on a PET/PID Statement of Discrepancy or a PID Statement of Attendance Discrepancies. These same examples of PID errors can occur when a district makes additions or updates to the PID database by using the PET application and or the PID Maintenance function of the EDIT+ software.