Learning High School (999-999-001) employs one bilingual education teacher and two career and technical education teachers during the current school year. The bilingual education teacher is paid $26,000. Each career and technical teacher is paid $24,000. All are paid out of the general fund.
Learning High School utilizes the sub-object code rather than the program intent code to account for costs directly attributable to programs, utilizing the code 10 for bilingual and the code 20 for career and technical education. Therefore, the district's accounting records would reflect the budgeted costs of these three teachers' salaries in the following manner.
Fund |
Function |
Object |
Sub-Object |
Organization |
Fiscal Yr |
Amount |
199 |
11 |
6100 |
10 |
001 |
X |
26000 |
199 |
11 |
6100 |
20 |
001 |
X |
48000 |
Input Record |
District ID |
Fund |
Function |
Object |
Organi-zation |
Fiscal |
Program |
Budget |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
030 |
999999 |
199 |
11 |
6100 |
001 |
X |
25 |
00000026000 |
030 |
999999 |
199 |
11 |
6100 |
001 |
X |
22 |
00000048000 |
Explanation of 030 Budget Record Layout
DISTRICT-ID 999999 indicates the county district number for Learning ISD.
FUND-CODE 199 designates general fund.
FUNCTION-CODE 11 designates instruction.
OBJECT-CODE 6100 designates expenditures for payroll costs.
ORGANIZATION-CODE 001 designates the campus number of this school.
FISCAL-YEAR X designates the last digit of the fiscal year.
The local sub-object code 10 is converted to PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE 25 to identify the bilingual program.
The local sub-object code 20 is converted to PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE 22 to identify the career and technical education program.
BUDGET-AMOUNT is 48000, indicating the sum of the two career and technical education teachers' salaries.