Learning Middle School (999-999-041) employs one principal at an annual salary of $36,000 and one assistant principal at $32,000 per year. The principal and assistant principal are in charge of the overall administration of the school which operates special education, bilingual, compensatory, and gifted and talented programs. The district's accounting records would reflect the budgeted costs for salaries of these two staff members in the following manner.
Fund |
Function |
Object |
Organization |
Fiscal Yr |
Program |
Amount |
199 |
23 |
6100 |
041 |
X |
99 |
68000 |
Input Record |
District ID |
Fund |
Function |
Object |
Organi-zation Code |
Fiscal |
Program |
Budget |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
030 |
999999 |
199 |
23 |
6100 |
041 |
X |
99 |
00000068000 |
Explanation of 030 Budget Record Layout
DISTRICT-ID 999999 indicates the county district number for Learning ISD.
FUND-CODE 199 designates general fund.
FUNCTION-CODE 23 designates school leadership.
OBJECT-CODE 6100 designates expenditures for payroll costs.
ORGANIZATION-CODE 041 designates the campus number of this school.
FISCAL-YEAR X designates the last digit of the fiscal year.
PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE 99 designates undistributed.
BUDGET-AMOUNT is 68000, the total for the salaries of the two staff members.