The education service center acts as fiscal agent for an ESEA, Title I, Part C – Education of Migratory Children project funded through TEA. All services are provided by the fiscal agent and no funds are passed through to the three member districts. The combined entitlement is $75,000. The education service center provides each school district a teacher who has a salary of $25,000 per year for the 5th grade. These teachers provide services which result in the extension of the school day to 5:00 p.m. While the curriculum is basic, the extended day assists the students in completing courses in a shorter school year. This information is reported in the following way.
Fiscal Agent
Input Record |
Shared Svcs |
Shared-Svcs-Arrangemt-Type-Code |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
033 |
777950 |
444444 |
07 |
301 |
Y |
25000 |
033 |
777950 |
333333 |
07 |
301 |
Y |
25000 |
033 |
777950 |
222222 |
07 |
301 |
Y |
25000 |
DISTRICT-ID 777950 indicates an Education Service Center serving as Fiscal Agent.
SHARED-SVCS-ARR-MEMBER-DIST-ID is 444444 for Member #1 ISD.
SHARED-SVCS-ARR-MEMBER-DIST-ID is 333333 for Member #2 ISD.
SHARED-SVCS-ARR-MEMBER-DIST-ID is 222222 for Member #3 ISD.
SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE 07 indicates migrant education shared services arrangement.
FUND-CODE 301 (for fiscal agents only) designates special revenue shared services arrangement fund ESEA, Title I, Part C.
FISCAL-YEAR Y designates the last digit of the fiscal year.
ACTUAL-AMOUNT indicates $25,000 was expended by the fiscal agent for ESEA, Title I, Part C for each member.
Overall Notes
Expenditures reported on 033 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA - SHARED SERVICES ARRANGEMENT ACTUAL record reflect amounts not coded to object code 6493 on the fiscal agent’s 032 Actual record in the fiscal agent-specific SSA fund codes