Input Record
Type Code

District ID

Staff ID

First Name

Middle Name

Last Name

Genera-tion Code

Sex Code

Staff Type Code















1 - 3

4 - 9

10 - 18

19 - 35

36 - 49

50 - 74









Total Years Prof Experience

Highest Degree Level Code





78 - 79




The 040 Staff Identification/Demographic Data record identifies by name the staff person that is either an employee of an ESC/LEA or is a contracted classroom teacher for a LEA that is reporting the PEIMS data. 

Business Rules

INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE (E0755) identifies the type of data on a PEIMS data submission record.

DISTRICT-ID (E0212) indicates the district identification number registered with the Texas Education Agency.

DISTRICT-ID on the 040 Staff Identification-Demographic records must match the value for DISTRICT-ID on the LEA 010 District record.

STAFF-ID (E0505) is the person's Social Security number.

Persons employed as staff in an LEA cannot be reported with an alternative identification number (S Number) as is allowed for students.

FIRST-NAME (E0703) identifies a person's legal first name.

For staff, enter the first name as shown on the identification documentation (Social Security Card).

MIDDLE-NAME (E0704) identifies a person's legal middle name.

For staff, enter the middle name as shown on the identification documentation (Social Security Card). If the staff person has no middle name, the field must be left blank. The middle name field for staff may only be reported as blank when the staff person does not have a middle name on their identification documentation (Social Security Card). Do not use any other text such as NONE, NA, NMI, etc… for the middle name if the staff person has no middle name on their identification documentation (Social Security Card).

Do not use periods or any other punctuation other than a hyphen, a space, or a single apostrophe in the Middle Name field. (implemented by edit 04049)

LAST-NAME (E0705) identifies a person's legal last name.

For staff, enter the last name as shown on the identification documentation (Social Security Card).

GENERATION-CODE (E0706) GENERATION-CODE identifies the generation suffix, if any, which the person attaches to his name.

The GENERATION-CODE field may be blank and must be blank if the staff person does not have a generation suffix on their name based upon the identification documentation.

SEX-CODE (E0004) SEX-CODE identifies the gender of the person.

STAFF-TYPE-CODE (E1073) indicates whether the staff person is on the district payroll or is a contracted instructional staff person.

STAFF-TYPE-CODE indicates whether the staff person is on the district payroll or is a contracted instructional staff person.

TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE (E0130) indicates the number of verifiable years of creditable experience as specified in 19 TAC, Chapter 153.

TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE is intended to reflect only the completed years of professional experience (not including current year).

Professional staff include: Teachers, full-time librarians, full-time counselors, full-time school nurses, other employees who are required to hold a certificate issued under TEC, Chapter 21, Subchapter B, and any other personnel reported by a school district to the Public Education Information Management System with a "professional" Role-ID (E0721).

Some staff classified as professional by a district may not meet the requirements for receiving professional experience, such as non-degreed, non-certified business managers, and should be reported with a value of"00" for this field.

HIGHEST-DEGREE-LEVEL-CODE (E0730) identifies the highest post-secondary degree a person has earned from an institution recognized as accredited by the Agency.

All staff must report HIGHEST-DEGREE-LEVEL-CODE regardless of their professional or non-professional status in the ESC or LEA.

Reporting Requirements

A 040 Staff Data – Identification/Demographic record must be reported for the following submissions:

Staff as of the Fall snapshot date (the last Friday in October):

Staff who do not meet the conditions above are not reported in submission 1. For example:

Staff with ROLE-IDs 047 (Substitute Teacher) and 087 (Teacher). These staff are reported with 040, 043, and 050 records.

If a LEA has contracted out all or part of a campus operation to a third party vendor, the LEA is still required to report the teacher’s (Role ID 087 and 047) individual identification and demographic information through the 040 Staff Identification/Demographic record.  Even though the teachers are contracted through a third party vendor, the teachers are teaching at a campus in the LEA and must be reported so that the information can be included in the staff full-time equivalent (FTE) calculations for the Academic Excellence Indicator System and the Student Assessment Data Portal as required by law.  It would not be appropriate to omit a contracted teacher who is teaching at a campus in the LEA from the staff data reporting on the 040 record.

FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, and LAST-NAME fields on the 040 Staff Identification/Demographic record must match the staff names on the social security card. If an employee is also a student of the district, then the staff naming rules apply to the student’s 100 Student - Identification record.

For the FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, and LAST-NAME do not use periods. Do not use any punctuation other than a hyphen or single apostrophe. (implemented by edit 04049)

The classification of staff (professional, paraprofessional/other, and auxiliary) is based on status at hiring, regardless of educational level or qualifications. Contracted professional staff that are hired through a private company, agency, or direct contract, are considered part of the professional staff of the district or campus.

Professional staff includes all teachers, administrators, certified personnel, and others working in a professional capacity in the district.

Auxiliary staff includes all staff that does not have a specific ROLE-ID. Auxiliary staff includes such employees as food service workers, cafeteria monitors, school crossing guards, security guards, clerks (such as attendance, purchasing, accounting, payroll, general office, file, mail), receptionists, secretaries, maintenance workers (bus, plant, etc.), groundskeepers, bus drivers, custodial staff, data processing key entry personnel, delivery personnel (mail, equipment, etc.), aides to the school nurse, and library aides. These are employees who do not fit the description in any role code, including 058 and 080.

Auxiliary staff does not include those employees considered to be professional-level staff in the district. Possible examples of such staff are computer programmers, computer operators, bookkeepers, executive assistants to administrators, or any other professional-level staff who have identifiable roles. Educational aides are identified as paraprofessional staff, and are not included in the auxiliary category.

The identification of a person as auxiliary does not depend on their educational level and/or certification status. For example, the school janitor may have a college degree, but based upon the duties that he performs, he is identified as auxiliary. When making the determination of whether a person is an auxiliary or a professional-level employee, the district should consider whether the employee is logically grouped with the professional category (with such staff as business managers, personnel directors, teacher appraisers, instructional officers, etc.) or in the auxiliary category (with such staff as clerks, bus drivers, food service workers, secretaries, etc.).

Since student employees, such as cafeteria workers, are on the district payroll and are subject to withholding taxes, they must be reported to PEIMS.

Staff identification/demographic data are usually not reported for substitute teachers. However, if a teacher has quit, died, or been fired, and the district has not hired a permanent replacement, then an 040 Staff Identification/Demographic record is required for the substitute who is working on the PEIMS fall snapshot date for reporting. 050, 060, and 090 Staff - Responsibilities records will also be required in these instances.

Identification information must be reported for all personnel employed by the district, whether or not they serve in areas requiring certification. The MIDDLE-NAME and GENERATION-CODE may not be applicable for all staff members.

If the STAFF-ID on the 040 Staff Identification record matches a STUDENT-ID on a 100 Student Identification record, then the FIRST-NAME, LAST-NAME, and DATE-OF-BIRTH must also match.

Special Reporting Requirements

The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department schools are only required to report teachers (Role ID 087 and 047) in the summer submission (Submission 3) for the purpose of supplying the required information for the Student Assessment Data Portal.