Input Record |
District ID |
Student ID |
First Name |
Middle Name |
Last Name |
Generation Code |
Crisis Code |
ADA Eligi-bility Code |
Home-less Status Code |
Unaccompanied Youth |
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The 100 Student Identification record indicates the basic student identification as well as other demographics such as homeless status and ADA Eligibility Code for students who are enrolled and receive instruction and/or services in an elementary, secondary, or post secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of an LEA.
INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE (E0755) identifies the type of data on a PEIMS data submission record.
DISTRICT-ID (E0212) indicates the district identification number registered with the Texas Education Agency.
DISTRICT-ID on the 100 Student Identification records must match the value for DISTRICT-ID on the LEA 010 District record.
STUDENT-ID (E0001) is the student's Social Security number or a state-approved alternate identification number. The first character of STUDENT-ID must be "S" or "0"-"8".
When available, the student's Social Security number should be used. If this number is not available, follow the instructions in Section 2 for the assignment of an alternate identification number.
The district should request the student's SSN or assign a state-approved alternate identification number from the list of alternate ID number provided by the school district. Once a student’s identification (ID) number is assigned, it should be removed from the pool of unassigned alternate ID numbers. Do not reassign an alternate ID number once it has been assigned to a student.
Every effort should be made to obtain the student’s SSN. For previously enrolled students with no record of an SSN, the school district should request the student’s SSN at the beginning of each school year.
When the student transfers to another school district or returns to the same school district, the school district must use the student ID number already assigned to the student. If the student fails to provide records from the prior school district that indicate the student’s ID number, the receiving school district should request the ID number and a copy of the student’s prior school records from the sending school district through the Texas Records Exchange (TREx).
An LEA that is unable to locate a student ID number for a student that was previously enrolled in a Texas public school, should contact TEA at (512) 463-9229 to request a student ID number search.
All student demographics changes including Student ID must be managed through the TSDS Unique ID Application.
Migrant three-year and four-year olds who do not have a Social Security number should still be reported through PEIMS using a state-assigned alternate ID number. Children should never be omitted from PEIMS merely because they do not have a Social Security number.
FIRST-NAME (E0703) identifies a person's legal first name.
Do not use an initial for FIRST-NAME, unless an initial is the legal first name.
Do not use periods. Do not use any punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe.
MIDDLE-NAME (E0704) identifies a person's legal middle name.
For students, enter the middle name as shown on the identification documentation used for school enrollment. If the student has no middle name, the field must be left blank. The middle name field may be reported as blank for students only when the student does not have a middle name on their identification documentation.
Do not use any other text such as NONE, NA, NMI, etc… for the middle name if the staff person or the student has no middle name.
Do not use periods or any other punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe. (implemented by edit 10015)
LAST-NAME (E0705) identifies a person's legal last name.
Do not use periods. Do not use any punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe. (implemented by edit 10015)
GENERATION-CODE (E0706) identifies the generation suffix, if any, which the person attaches to his name.
GENERATION-CODE may be blank and must be blank if the student does not have a generation suffix on their name based upon the identification documentation.
CRISIS-CODE (E1054) indicates a state health or weather related event that impacts a group of students, and may require additional funding, educational, or social services. The event may or may not cause the student to leave the district or campus of residence. A crisis event is designated by the Commissioner of Education.
The CRISIS-CODE is used to report those situations recognized by TEA as a health or weather related event that impacts students’ ability to attend school in the district where they reside. This data is reported based on code table C178. The code table will be populated as events occur that will require state reporting. If the commissioner of education declares a crisis, then this data must be reported for the affected students based on the guidance from TEA. Otherwise, if a student is not affected by a declared crisis, then this field may be left blank and TEA will convert this blank field to a value of “00”. This data may be used for determining special funding and/or accountability measures.
ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE (E0787) indicates the eligibility status of the student as reflected in the attendance accounting records of the district.
The ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE identifies the level of membership and Average Daily Attendance eligibility for a particular student. Additional requirements and rules concerning this code are available in Section 3 of the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook
For submission 1 and students enrolled on the “PEIMS fall snapshot date”, the ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must match the ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE on a 110 Student Enrollment record.
The ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be blank in Submission 3 and Submission 4. (implemented by edit 10024)
HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE (E1082) As defined by NCLB, Title X, Part C, Section 725(2), the term “homeless children and youths”
HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE is reported by all districts to indicate whether or not a student is homeless and, if homeless, what their primary nighttime residence is at the time of identification. There are only four categories of homeless primary nighttime residence, and, if a student is homeless, their nighttime residence must be in one of these four categories. See PEIMS Code Table C189.
The four categories are: Shelters, Doubled-Up, Unsheltered, and Motels/Hotels.
Code "0" is used for students who are not homeless.
HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE is used to identify and report all the students that have experienced homelessness at some point during the school year. If a student is identified as homeless, but later in the same school year enters into permanent housing, this Homeless Status Code should not be changed and should still indicate that the student is homeless for the remainder of the current school year.
For Submission 1, all students identified as homeless in the Fall Snapshot must also be coded as homeless in the summer collection (Submission 3).
The homeless status of each student should be determined upon enrollment and/or at the start of each new school year. Additionally, every school district and open enrollment charter school should have processes and procedures in place to identify students who become homeless after enrollment or after the start of a new school year.
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act (Title X, Part C of the No Child Left Behind Act) requires that all students that meet the statutory definition of homelessness be identified by the school district. The law requires that all students experiencing homelessness are able to enroll, attend, and succeed in school. The purpose of identifying students experiencing homelessness is to make sure that all are able to enroll, that they have access to services for which they are eligible, and to provide a count of the numbers of students that experience homelessness during a given school year.
The McKinney-Vento Act requires that every school district designate a homeless liaison. One of the responsibilities assigned to homeless liaisons under the McKinney-Vento Act is the identification of students experiencing homelessness. Many districts use a residency questionnaire to help determine homeless status. A sample residency questionnaire is available on the Texas Homeless Education Office website.
Contact your local homeless liaison for questions about the statutory definition of homelessness in the McKinney-Vento Act, whether or not a student meets that definition, and what category of living situation is appropriate.
Additional information regarding student homelessness situations and determinations can be obtained from the Texas Homeless Education Office. To contact the Texas Homeless Education Office, call 1-800-446-3142. For access to the McKinney-Vento Act, relevant laws and rules, guidance and information about serving the needs of homeless students, and a database of homeless liaisons, visit the Texas Homeless Education Office Website at
UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE (E1084) As defined by NCLB, Title X, Part C, Section 725(6), the term “unaccompanied youth” means a youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian.
UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE is to be used by all districts to identify and report whether or not a homeless student is unaccompanied (not in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian).
Any homeless student who is 1) under age 21 on September 1 of the applicable school year or if the student is less than 22 on September 1 of the applicable school year and is eligible for special education services, and 2) not in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian, even if the student is living with a caregiver who is not the student’s parent or legal guardian.
If a homeless student is unaccompanied, but later that school year becomes accompanied, this status code should not be changed and should still indicate that the student had been unaccompanied.
For Submission 1, all students identified as Unaccompanied Youth on the Fall Snapshot must also be coded as Unaccompanied Youth in the summer collection (Submission 3).
The unaccompanied status of each homeless student should be determined upon enrollment and at the start of each new school year. Additionally, every school district needs to have processes and procedures in place to help identify students who become unaccompanied after enrollment or after the start of a new school year. The unaccompanied status of each homeless student must be determined each year.
For Submission 1, for every student reported with a100 Student - Identification record, there must be a matching 101 Student - Demographic record for that student. For Submission 3, for every student reported with a100 Student - Identification record, there must be a matching 400 and/or 500 Student - Flexible Attendance record for that student.
The PEIMS fall snapshot date or the “October snapshot” date, is the last Friday in October. The school-start window extends from the first day of school through the last Friday in September.
A 100 Student - Identification record must be reported for the following submissions:
Children who on the PEIMS fall snapshot date who are:
If the student is in membership in the school district (service at least two hours per day) then report any student in the above submission 1 categories 1-4.
Report any student who participated in the Electronic Course Program (eCP)
If a student is served in the Extended School Year (ESY) services program and/or Bilingual/ESL Summer School then report any student in the above Submission 1 categories 1-4.
Do not report a 100 Student - Identification record for the following (in Submission 1 or Submission 3):
All PEIMS data for each student enrolled in the LEA, are to be reported by that LEA. However, if the LEA participates in an instructional shared services arrangement with another LEA(s), then there should be an interlocal agreement between the superintendents of the LEAs that governs which LEA will enroll and report to TEA the students receiving instruction in the instructional SSA.
For Submission 1, because a student can only be enrolled in one LEA on the “PEIMS fall snapshot date”, only one LEA is to report a given student. For submission 3, because a student can attend multiple LEA’s throughout the school year, each LEA must report a 100 Student - Identification record for each student who attended and was in “membership”. For Submission 4, because a student can attend multiple LEA’s, each LEA must report a 100 Student - Identification record for each student that participated in an extended year program.
Be aware that as a general rule, accountability follows enrollment. The LEA that reports the student will be subject to all state accountability implications for the student.
TEC §25.0021 states that a Texas public school student must be identified by his or her legal surname. Legal name is obtained from the birth certificate. The name entered matches the birth certificate exactly as shown. “Double” last names on the birth certificate are recorded exactly as shown. Each name on the birth certificate appears in one of the PEIMS name fields. If the birth certificate name cannot be understood completely, the parent is asked to clarify. If the first or last name is not indicated on a student's birth certificate, then the parent(s) provides a first or last name to be used for PEIMS reporting purposes. The name chosen by the parent is used consistently while the child is enrolled in Texas public schools. If a student is also an employee of the district, then staff naming rules must apply.
If a birth certificate is not obtainable, the name entered matches an alternate document. Acceptable alternate documents include: driver’s license; passport; school identification card, record, or report card; military identification; hospital birth record; adoption record; church baptismal record; court-ordered legal name change documentation; or any other legal document that establishes identity.
Special Reporting Requirements
Children served by the Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) and the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) students are reported by these state operated programs while the child is in attendance in these programs. District and parental referrals to the TSD and district referrals to the TSBVI will be reported by these respective institutions. Note: Students enrolled at TSD and TSBVI are not eligible for average daily attendance funding and must be reported with an ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE of “not in membership”, or “ineligible for ADA”.
Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) students are reported by this state operated program while the child is in attendance in this program. Students who are enrolled in the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) are only eligible for ADA and are not eligible for any other program funding (i.e. special education, career and technical, bilingual/ESL, etc…).
Please note the following exception: LEAs that provide the educational component for certain TJJD facilities, and therefore collect ADA on these youth, will report these students in place of TJJD.