Jane Lee Student is a full-day eligible student in Learning ISD (999-999). Jane was issued Alternate Identification number S00005678. Her identification information would be reported as follows.
Input Record |
District ID |
Student ID |
First Name |
Middle Name |
Last Name |
Generation Code |
Crisis Code |
ADA Eligi-bility Code |
Home-less Status Code |
Unaccompanied Youth |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Column |
Column |
Column |
100 |
999999 |
S00005678 |
1 |
Explanation of 100 Student - Identification Record Layout
DISTRICT-ID for Learning ISD is 999999.
STUDENT-ID for Jane Lee Student is S00005678. She has been assigned a state-approved alternate ID number since her parents did not choose to release her Social Security number to Learning ISD.
FIRST-NAME Jane is the student’s first name.
MIDDLE-NAME Lee is the student’s middle name. A full MIDDLE-NAME is required, if available.
LAST-NAME Student is the student’s last name.
GENERATION-CODE is blank because there is no generation.
CRISIS-CODE is blank because there is no reportable crisis.
ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE 1 indicates that Jane is a full-day eligible student and generates 1.0 days of eligible attendance each day she is counted present.