Ted Learner (000556487) is a twelfth-grade student in the High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) at Learning ISD (256-905) High School (001). He attends the HSEP program for 45 minutes a day. The sum of Ted’s instruction for the third six-week reporting period is 1350 minutes. Bill Student (000156400) is a twelfth-grade student in HSEP at Learning High school. Bill attends the OFSDP program for 120 minutes a day. The sum of Bill’s instruction for the third six-week reporting period is 3420 minutes. Ted and Bill will both have a will have a 500 Student - Flexible Attendance record reported since they each attended their respective programs for at least 45 minutes each day that they were present. The attendance information for Ted and Bill would be reported as follows.
Input Record Type |
District ID |
Student ID |
Campus ID of Enrollment |
Instruc-tional |
Reporting Period Indicator Code |
Number Days Taught |
Grade Level Code |
Flexible Attendance Program Type Code |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
500 |
256905 |
000556487 |
256905001 |
0 |
3 |
030 |
12 |
2 |
500 |
256905 |
000156400 |
256905001 |
0 |
3 |
030 |
12 |
1 |
Flex |
Flex |
Flex |
Flex |
Flex |
Gifted Talented Indicator Code |
Local Student ID |
Filler |
Primary |
Multiply |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Column |
01350 |
00000 |
000 |
000 |
000 |
0 |
00 |
0 | ||
03420 |
00000 |
000 |
000 |
000 |
0 |
00 |
0 |
LEP Indicator Code |
Filler |
Column |
Columns |
0 |
0 |
Explanation of the 500 Student Flexible Attendance Record
District-id 256905 indicates the county district number for Learning ISD is 256-905.
Student-id 000556487 indicates the social security identification number for Ted Learner.
Student-id 000156400 indicates the social security identification number for Bill Student.
Campus-id-of-enrollment 256905001 indicates the campus number for Learning High School is 256-905-001.
Instructional-track-indicator-code 0 indicates that Ted and Bill are enrolled on the 0 calendar track.
Reporting-Period-Indicator code 3 indicates that the data reported was for the third six weeks reporting periods.
Number-days-taught 030 indicates that the 3rd six weeks has 30 days taught.
Grade-level-code 12 indicates that Ted and Bill are both in the 12th grade.
Flexible-attendance-program-type-code 2 indicates that Ted is enrolled in the High School Equivalency Program.
Flexible-attendance-program-type-code 1 indicates that Bill is enrolled in the Optional Flexible School Day Program.
Flex-attend-total-eligible-minutes-present 01350 indicates that TED attended 1350 minutes of HSEP instruction for the 3rd six weeks.
Flex-attend-total-eligible-minutes-present 03420 indicates that Bill attended 3420 minutes of OFSDP instruction for the 3rd six weeks.
Flex-attend-total-INeligible-minutes-present 00000 indicates that Ted and Bill had 0 minutes of ineligible instruction for the 3rd six weeks.
Flex-Attend-Total-PRS-Days-Eligible 000 indicates that the Ted and Bill had 0 days of PRS eligibility.
Flex-Attend-Total-Sp-Ed-Mainstream-Days-Eligible 000 indicates that Ted and Bill had 0 days of special education Mainstream services for the 3rd six weeks.
Flex-Attend-Total-Bilingual/ESL-Days-Eligible 000 indicates that Ted and Bill had 0 days of Bilingual/ESL services for the 3rd six weeks.
Gifted-Talented-Indicator-Code 0 indicates that Ted and Bill were not in the Gifted and Talented education program.
Primary-disability-code 00 indicates that Ted and Bill do not have special education disability.
Multiply-disabled-indicator-code 0 indicates that Ted and Bill do not have multiple disabilities.
LEP-indicator-code 0 indicates that Ted and Bill are not Limited English Proficient students.