Input Record |
District |
Staff ID |
Campus |
Role ID |
Service ID |
Class ID Number |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
090 |
090 |
Population Served |
Filler |
Number Students in Class |
ESC SSA Staff Indicator |
Class Type Code |
Filler |
Monthly Minutes |
Filler |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
The 090 Staff Responsibility record is used to calculate partial FTE and base pay for each reported staff responsibility. Numerous reports are created summarizing that information by district, campus, role, and/or service id. It is also used to report average class size.
The AEIS Teacher FTE by Program is calculated using teacher responsibility information from the 090 Staff - Responsibilities record. The value reported for the Population Served Code for a particular service is the basis for deriving this information by program.
INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE (E0755) identifies the type of data on a PEIMS data submission record.
DISTRICT-ID (E0212) indicates the district identification number registered with the Texas Education Agency.
DISTRICT-ID on the 090 Staff Responsibility records must match the value for DISTRICT-ID on the LEA 010 District record.
STAFF-ID (E0505) is the person's Social Security number.
CAMPUS-ID (E0266) indicates the unique campus identification number registered with the Texas Education Agency. It is the linking of DISTRICT-ID with the campus identification number.
An instructional campus: 1) has an assigned administrator, 2) has enrolled students who are counted for average daily attendance, 3) has assigned instructional staff, 4) receives federal and/or state and/or local funds as its primary support, 5) provides instruction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), 6) has one or more grade groups in the range from early education through grade 12, and 7) is not a program for students enrolled in another public school.
An alternative instructional unit: 1) is an instructional site, center, program, or arrangement that is not governed by an individual campus organization, and 2) does not meet the above standard definition of an instructional campus.
Follow the Resource Guide rules for reporting organizations/campus IDs.
For 055 and 090 Staff - Responsibilities records, if the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID are greater than 698, except for 751, then the last three digits will be changed to 700 at TEA during the data load. However, 700 is not a valid number for use by districts in reporting to TEA.
ROLE-ID (E0721) identifies the capacity in which a person serves. Examples of roles are teacher, art therapist, and superintendent.
Work-Based Learning Site Coordinator is a CTE teacher (ROLE-ID 087 or 047) who is assigned to career preparation work-based learning experiences and changes from ROLE-ID 087/047 to ROLE-ID 032 when visiting a student training site for the purpose of evaluating the student and consulting the employer. When this role changes, the teacher must be reported with an additional 090 Staff - Responsibilities record using ROLE-ID 032, the relevant CTE SERVICE-ID, and a unique CLASS-ID-NUMBER that reflects the total amount of time (MONTHLY-MINUTES) and the total number of students (NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS) for all of the students involved in this learning arrangement.
If a person's actual role is not found among the list of values for ROLE-ID in Code Table C021, choose the closest approximation to the actual role that is available in the table.
ROLE-ID 033 - Instructional Educational Aides
Instructional Educational Aides are reported as role 033. 090 Staff - Responsibilities records are not reported for Non-Instructional Aides such as library clerks, office clerks, attendance clerks, health clerks, etc. In some instances, an instructional educational aide may serve in a library. A 090 Staff - Responsibilities record is reported for aides who work in a library and spend most of their time helping students. Library clerks, who shelve books, check books in and out, and handle paperwork for the librarian are not reported on a 090 Staff - Responsibilities record and are, therefore, considered auxiliary staff.
Chart A: Coding for Substitute and absent Regular Staff
Type of Staff |
See Example |
Example |
Report on the 090 Staff - Responsibilities record | ||
Role |
Service |
Students | |||
Substitute |
4 |
Typical type of substitute: hired on a daily basis to substitute teach but is not on the regular district payroll. |
Is not reported through PEIMS. |
Is not reported through PEIMS. |
4 |
“Floating Substitute” Professional district employee who is hired on a long-term basis to substitute as needed in whatever classroom falls vacant on a given day due to a teacher calling in sick or taking a personal leave day. |
047 |
SR000007 |
0 | |
4 |
Substitute for classroom staff not returning to classroom. Teaching position has become vacant through death, resignation or termination. |
047 |
Appropriate service id for the class |
Number of students | |
Classroom staff out on the “as-of-date” |
4 |
Classroom staff still on the district payroll who are out on a sabbatical, a suspension, or for an extended illness and whose classroom duties have been permanently reassigned. |
Appropriate role |
SR000007 |
0 |
Classroom staff that will be returning to the classroom |
4 |
Classroom staff on sick leave, pregnancy or family medical emergency leave whose duties are temporarily assigned to a substitute. The substitute is not reported. |
Appropriate role |
Appropriate service for class |
Number of students |
SERVICE-ID (E0724) refers to the services supplied by staff.
If the SERVICE-ID listed in Code Table C022 ends in XXX, then any value will be allowed in character positions 6-8. The values in character positions 6-8 will be changed to XXX at TEA during data loading.
For elementary classes, districts have the option of using either the generic elementary Service IDs (02010000 - Grade 1, 02020000 - Grade 2, 02030000 - Grade 3, 02040000 - Grade 4, 02050000 - Grade 5, 02060000 - Grade 6) for the core curriculum or the subject specific Service IDs in the student and teacher scheduling system(s). However, the district should make the decision to report these elementary Service IDs based upon what the students will be reported with on the 415 Course Completion record in the summer submission. A school will not be able to report teachers using one method and students with the other as the data will not pass the fatal edits in the summer submission for the Classroom Link data reporting.
02000000, Elementary, Grades 1-6, should be used only when a teacher is serving multi-grade or ungraded student populations, typically in a pullout program. It is not used for those situations where a district assigns a teacher two contiguous grades of students because neither grade has enough students to allow for a single classroom. Such teachers would have two 090 Staff - Responsibilities records with different Service IDs and different CLASS-ID-NUMBERs.
The values for SERVICE-ID listed in Code Table C022 include both courses and non-teaching responsibilities. Responsibilities such as lunch monitoring duty or playground supervision are not included and, therefore, are not reported.
SERVICE-ID SR000007, Unassigned professional instructional duty, is used only in two situations. See Chart A: Coding for Substitute and absent Regular Staff above
Chart C: Locally Developed and Modified Courses
Local Credit Course? |
Credit toward |
Service ID |
8 digit Service ID | |
Non-special education courses. All students (both special education and non-special education) may participate. |
Yes |
No |
Service IDs are included in C022 for each subject area and grade level. |
Each Service ID begins with an “8”. |
Special education courses designed through an IEP as an appropriate alternative to a course that meets state graduation requirements |
Yes |
Yes |
Service ID “9XXXXXXX” is included in the C022 table. “XXXXXXX” may have any combination of letters and numbers. |
Each Service ID must begin with a “9”. |
A standard course with a service id in C022 that has been modified for a student receiving special education as a result of an admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee’s decision |
No |
Depends on requirements in IEP. See Academic Achievement Record (AAR) for coding. |
Standard Service ID |
Chart D: P.E. and P.E. Equivalent Courses
Duties |
Students Receiving PE or PE Equivalent Credit? |
Role |
Service ID |
Teaching duties |
Yes, PE Credit (If appropriate knowledge and skills are taught) |
087 |
Appropriate Service-ID |
Teaching duties |
Yes, PE Equivalent Credit |
087 |
PES00000 - PES00014 |
Districts have the flexibility of offering technology applications (computer literacy) in a variety of settings at the middle school level, including a specific class or integrated into other subject areas. The additional numbers in the Technology Applications area for middle school are there to record how this curriculum is addressed.
The typical type of substitute teacher where a person is hired on a daily basis to substitute teach but is not on the regular district payroll is not reported through PEIMS.
CLASS-ID-NUMBER (E1056) is a number identifying a unique course section that is unique for a particular school year, Campus, and SERVICE-ID.
The CLASS-ID-NUMBER may be any 14 character district defined identifier comprised of letters and/or numbers.
Each class in a staff’s schedule during the month of October is reported with a unique number for that class on a campus. The value of CLASS-ID Number may be determined by the district as long as it remains unique for that person on that campus. A CLASS-ID-Number value may be repeated at the same campus in order to show multiple teachers assigned to the same Course Section.
If more than one service is being performed at the same time in a class by a staff member multiple 090 Staff - Responsibilities records should be reported with unique CLASS-ID-NUMBERs for each service to represent each course section that is being taught.
POPULATION-SERVED-CODE (E0747) identifies the student population for which a service has been designed or is intended. It does not necessarily identify the program eligibility of the students who receive the service.
The correct code is determined by the population, for which the service was designed, not by the student population that receives a service. If two or more populations are being served, only one record should be reported, using the population for which the service was designed. If intent cannot be determined, use code 01, regular students.
POPULATION-SERVED-CODE does not necessarily identify the program eligibility of the students who receive the service. A scheduled classroom service will have a single POPULATION-SERVED-CODE value (e.g. "01" for regular students) despite the fact that members of other student populations happen to be served in the class. The same holds true for non-classroom services. It is only when the service has been tailored for a special population that POPULATION-SERVED-CODE should be given values that apply to special student populations.
The correct value of POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is determined by the population, for which the service was designed, not by the student population that receives a service. If two or more populations are being served, only one record should be reported, using the population for which the service was designed.
NUMBER-STUDENT-IN-CLASS (E0170) indicates the number of students in membership in the class as of the PEIMS reporting date.
If more than one classroom staff member is serving a group of students during the same class period, the person who is the “teacher of record” is reported with all the students for NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS. The other staff members are reported with NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS as 0.
If there is any variation in the number of students resulting from overlapping responsibilities, report NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS as the number of students as of the beginning of the class. In no case should the class be subdivided to report more detail than SERVICE-ID permits.
Instructional Educational Aides and Certified Interpreters should report NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS as 0.
ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE (E1015) indicates whether the education service center staff responsibility being reported is part of a shared services arrangement for which the education service center is the fiscal agent.
ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE is completed by education service centers only. This field is not valid for school districts.
CLASS-TYPE-CODE (E1055) identifies the type of class providing instruction to students in particular class settings.
CLASS-TYPE-CODE is used to differentiate classes providing instruction in a regular setting classroom from non-regular classrooms. Refer to chart below for CLASS-TYPE-CODE examples.
Chart E: CLASS-TYPE-CODE Examples
01 Regular |
02 Non-regular |
All other settings
MONTHLY-MINUTES (E1057) is the total number of minutes in a month devoted to a particular class. A month is generally considered to be the 4 weeks prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date.
The total MONTHLY-MINUTES are reported for each class. The four weeks preceding the PEIMS fall snapshot date need to be considered to calculate the monthly minutes. For example, a class that is taught for one hour every day would report 1,200 monthly minutes (60 minutes x 5 days x 4 weeks) on the 090 Staff responsibility record for that class. A class taught one hour three times each week would report 720 monthly minutes (60 minutes x 3 days x 4 weeks. A class taught for different amounts of time each week would be reported with a cumulative monthly minute total.
090 Staff Responsibility records are reported for professional and paraprofessional staff only. Each service that a person provides must be reported on a separate 090 Staff - Responsibilities record. If a person performs duties on more than one campus, serves in more than one role, and/or perform more than one type of service, then multiple 090 Staff - Responsibilities records are reported to reflect these duties.
Staff responsibilities that occur before or after the normal school day for events where students do not receive credit are not reported (this includes but is not limited to sports practice, band practice, UIL clubs and practices). Staff responsibilities for courses taken for credit (including but not limited to zero-hour courses) and Adult Basic Ed classes are considered part of the normal school day for 090 Staff - Responsibilities record reporting purposes. Therefore, courses that are offered to students before or after school for course credit must be reported with a 090 Staff Responsibility record.
Please refer to the Special Reporting Instructions below for guidance on reporting staff responsibilities provided within a Shared Services Arrangement.
If an instructional professional performs more than one service in the same classroom setting, then each of those services are reported on individual 090 Staff - Responsibilities records. For example, there are not enough French foreign language students (French I, French II, and French III) to make up separate classes. If these classes are combined together in the same classroom at the same time, then a 090 Staff - Responsibilities record will be reported for each SERVICE-ID (French I, French II, and French III).
If a person reported on a 040 staff record is not reported with a 090 Staff - Responsibilities record, TEA will assume that the person is an auxiliary staff member and provides no professional services to the LEA.
The 090 Staff Responsibilities data is reported for the four weeks in October that include the “PEIMS fall snapshot date”. This is true for all professionals that were employed on the “PEIMS fall snapshot date”. The data elements that must be reported for each ROLE-ID are specified in the edits 0900B and 0900C.
In addition to the mandatory elements for 090 Staff - Responsibilities records, for those records where the ROLE-ID is found in the list in edit 0900B in Section 5, the elements listed below must not be blank. A value from the appropriate code table or a value following the data specifications must be entered.
Physical education, fine arts, and special education classes on elementary campuses may be reported using only one record or may be reported section by section, if desired.
If no campus can be assigned for staff such as homebound, hospital class, and off-home campus teachers, assign a campus number of 999.
Class ID Number/Monthly Minutes
If a district employs nine-week semesters (sometimes referred to as accelerated block schedules), report the data on the current semester only
Because of legislative requirements for class size reporting, districts are to report staff responsibility data at the lowest level possible. When the SERVICE-IDs for elementary courses are used for reporting the 090 Staff - Responsibilities record on an elementary, junior high, middle school, or combined elementary/secondary campus, each section must be reported as a separate record.
Detailed schedules are not reported on the 090 Staff - Responsibilities record for Instructional Educational Aides (033) and certified interpreters (036). Instead, a 090 Staff - Responsibilities record is submitted showing the total monthly minutes the staff person serves in that role. Generic aide and interpreter SERVICE-IDs are available for the record. NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS should be reported as 0 for these roles. The number of students in the class should be reported on the teacher-of-record 090 Staff - Responsibilities record.
The High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) is reported with service id SR000008. The POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is usually 01-Regular, unless the district is using compensatory funds for this program.
F = Fatal edit
SW = Special warning edit
W = Warning edit
TEACHERS | |||||
087 |
Teacher |
09039 F |
SS001000-SS010000, SS012000-SS019000, SAXXXXXX |
11,13 |
047 |
Substitute Teacher |
09039 F |
SS001000-SS010000, SS012000-SS019000, SAXXXXXX |
11, 13 |
033 |
Educational Aide |
0902B F |
SA000003 |
All except SA000003 |
11, 12 |
036 |
Certified Interpreter |
09033 F |
SA000004 |
All except SA000004 |
11 |
002 |
Art Therapist |
09027 W |
SE000001, |
11 | |
005 |
Psychological |
09029 W |
SE000001, |
31 | |
006 |
Audiologist |
09030 W |
SE000001-SE000003, |
31 | |
007 |
Corrective Therapist |
09031 W |
SE000001 |
11 | |
008 |
Counselor |
09032 F |
SS007000 |
31 | |
011 |
Educational |
09031 W |
SE000001 |
31 | |
013 |
Librarian |
09035 F |
SS002000 |
12 | |
015 |
Music Therapist |
09027 W |
SE000001, SE000005, |
11 |
F = Fatal edit
SW = Special warning edit
W = Warning edit
PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT (continued) | |||||
016 |
Occupational |
09031 W |
SE000001 |
11 | |
017 |
Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS) |
09036 W |
SE000001, SE000004- |
11 | |
018 |
Physical Therapist |
09036 W |
SE000001, SE000004- |
11 | |
019 |
Physician |
09037 F |
SS009000 |
33 | |
021 |
Recreation Therapist |
09036 W |
SE000001, SE000004- |
11 | |
022 |
School Nurse |
09037 F |
SS009000 |
33 | |
023 |
Psychologist/Licensed Specialist In School Psychology (LSSP) |
09029 W |
SE000001, SS007000- |
31 | |
024 |
Social Worker |
09087 F |
SS008000 |
32 | |
026 |
Speech Therapist/ |
09040 F |
SE000002-SE000003 |
11 | |
030 |
Truant Officer/ Visiting Teacher |
09088 F |
SS020000 |
32 | |
032 |
Work Based Learning |
09045 W |
11 |
041 |
Teacher Facilitator |
09048 W |
SS001XXX, SS002000, |
21 | |
042 |
Teacher Appraiser |
09082 W |
SS001000-SS001003, |
23 | |
054 |
Department Head |
09057 F |
SS002000, |
13, 21 | |
056 |
Athletic Trainer |
09061 F |
SS011000 |
36 | |
058 |
Other Campus |
09062 W |
SEXXXXXX, SS001XXX, SS013000-SS014000, SS019000 |
11-36, 53, 61 |
080 |
Other Non-Campus Professional Personnel |
09025 W |
SS010000, SS006000, |
All FUNCTION CODEs apply excluding FUNCTION CODE 11 | |
003 |
Assistant Principal |
09028 F |
SS003000 |
23 | |
020 |
Principal |
09028 F |
SS003000 |
23 |
F = Fatal edit
SW = Special warning edit
W = Warning edit
(Campus Admin if org = 001-699) (Central Admin if org = 701-799, 998, 999) | |||||
012 |
District Instructional Program Director |
09034 F |
SS001XXX, SS002000, SS004XXX, SS005XXX, SS006000, SS007000, SS011000 |
12, 13, 21, 31 | |
028 |
Teacher Supervisor |
09042 F |
SS001XXX, SS002000, SS004XXX-SS005XXX |
21 | |
040 |
Athletic Director |
09047 F |
SS011000 |
36 | |
055 |
Registrar |
09059 F |
SS003000, SS013000 |
23, 41 | |
004 |
Assistant/Associate/ Deputy Superintendent |
09026 F |
12, 13, 21, 31-61, 81 | |
027 |
Superintendent/Chief Admin Officer/CEO/ President |
09041 F |
SS013000 |
41 | |
043 |
Business Manager |
09041 F |
SS013000 |
41 | |
044 |
Tax Assessor/Collector |
09041 F |
SS013000 |
41 | |
045 |
Director of Personnel/ Human Resources |
09041 F |
SS013000 |
41 | |
ESC ONLY | |||||
060 |
Executive Director |
09098 F |
SS013000 |
41 | |
061 |
Assistant/Associate/ |
09099 F |
41 | |
062 |
Component/Department Director |
09099 F |
21,41 | |
063 |
Coordinator/Mgr/ |
09099 F |
21, 51, 52, 53 | |
064 |
Specialist/Consultant |
09099 F |
21 | |
065 |
Field Service Agent |
0901AW |
SS022000 |
41, 62 | |
079 |
Other ESC Professional Personnel |
09099 F |
11, 12, 13, 21, 51, 52, 53 |
One 011 Shared Services Arrangement record must be reported if the first six digits of CAMPUS-ID do not match DISTRICT-ID. The value of STAFF-ID on this record must match the value of STAFF-ID on some 040 Staff Identification/Demographic record.
If STAFF-TYPE-CODE on the 040 Staff Identification/Demographic record is “2”, then there must be at least one matching 090 Staff - Responsibilities record for that staff ID, and the ROLE-ID must be “047” or “087”.
Special Reporting Requirements
Special Instructions for Shared Services Arrangement Reporting
The shared services arrangement fiscal agent should report the responsibility data for those administrative or itinerant employees who are paid by the fiscal agent. When services are provided on a campus of a member district, the CAMPUS-ID reported will be that of the member district campus. Thus, the DISTRICT-ID will not always match the first six digits of the CAMPUS-ID. Each member district will report the staff responsibility data for any employees that it pays who perform shared services arrangement related services. If a staff member should be an employee both of the shared services arrangement fiscal agent and of a shared services arrangement member, each organization would then report all the staff data that pertains to that individual's employment with it. TEA would receive only duplicate identification and demographic data in such a case.
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department schools do not report the 090 Staff Data record.