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TEA Correspondence

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 Applicable NCLB Federal Programs
FAR Revenue Code 5929
Title I, Part A:  FAR Fund Code 211/300
CFDA No. 84.010A
Title I, Part C:  FAR Fund Code 212/301
CFDA No. 84.011A
Title I, Part D, Subpart 2:  FAR Fund Code 211/300
CFDA No. 84.010A
Title II, Part A:  FAR Fund Code 255/342
CFDA No. 84.637A
Title II, Part D:  FAR Fund Code 262/349
                                                                                                                                                                                 CFDA No. 84.318X
Title III, Part A—LEP:  FAR Fund Code 263/350
CFDA No. 84.365A
Title III, Part A—Immigrant:  FAR Fund Code 263/350
CFDA No. 84.365A
                                                                                                                   Title IV, Part A:  FAR Fund Code 204/293
CFDA No. 84.186A


March 1, 2010

SUBJECT: Special Collections Report – SC5010 NCLB Data Request Form for Federal Funding and 2010-2011 School Year Application Process for Applicable NCLB Federal Programs

Open-enrollment charter schools, South Texas ISD, and specific state schools will be required to provide actual enrollment data on the SC5010 NCLB Data Request Form for Federal Funding (SC5010) if they intend to participate in applicable No Child Left Behind (NCLB) federal programs of the Consolidated Application for Federal Funding (SAS#NCLBAA11) for the upcoming 2010-2011 school year.  The SC5010 NCLB Data Request Form for Federal Funding (SC5010) will be made available in eGrants March 1, 2010.

The SC5010 form requests specific categories of actual enrollment data that will be used to determine the applicant’s eligibility and planning amounts for applicable NCLB federal programs. The actual enrollment data reported is subject to audit by the Texas Education Agency (TEA); therefore, auditable documentation must be on file with the local education agency (LEA) or state school to support the data reported. The enrollment data reported must be actual enrollment as of a specific date.  The date selected is solely at the discretion of the LEA or state school.  However, for LEAs or state schools that operated in the 2009-2010 school year, the date must be within the 2009-2010 school year and must fall on or before April 30, 2010.  Students reported according to a category (e.g., Limited English Proficient, Immigrant, Age Group, etc.) must have been enrolled and must fall into the category specified as of the date selected.  For example, if the date chosen by the LEA or state school is April 29, 2010, all students included in the count for the Age 5 to 17 Low Income column must be both low income and 5 to 17 years of age as of April 29, 2010. Projected enrollment data is unacceptable.

The determination of planning amounts for applicable NCLB federal programs is necessary before the applicant can continue the application process. To ensure eligibility and planning amounts are determined for the applicant, the SC5010 form must be submitted no later than April 30, 2010, the submission deadline dateThe information submitted on the SC5010 form is bindingNo changes will be allowed after the form is submitted.  Applicants are advised to ensure that the data entered has been thoroughly reviewed for accuracy.  No exceptions to the deadline date or binding requirement are granted.

eGrants:  Logon through TEA SE
The complete application process, which begins with the SC5010 form, is available only in eGrants.  The eGrants application system will require a Texas Education Agency Secure Environment (TEA SE) username and password for each individual who will be entering and/or certifying data.  These individuals include authorized officials such as superintendents and executive directors who submit grant applications, employees or contractors who will assist in writing/completing eGrants, grant personnel who will be reporting progress on eGrants projects, and business office personnel who will be entering and/or certifying and submitting expenditure reports and requesting payment for various eGrants.

For applicants and individual external users that have yet to request a TEA SE username/password, link to the following web address to request access: 

Accessing the SC5010
Logon to eGrants through TEA SE by linking to the following web-address:   Type the individual username and password.

  1. From the Application List, select eGrants
  2. Open the dropdown list titled “Available Grant Programs in eGrants.”
  3. From the dropdown list, select the entry titled “2010-2011 NCLB Consolidated Federal Grant Application.”
  4. Select “2010-2011 NCLB Data Request Form for Federal Funding”


NCLB Application Process
It is anticipated that special LEAs (open-enrollment charter schools and South Texas ISD) and state schools will be notified via certified mail of planning amounts in July 2010.  Once those planning amounts are available, they will be posted to the GS2210 Applicant Designation and Certification (GS2210 ADC) form.  To continue the application process, applicants must again logon through TEA SE  to access, complete, and submit the GS2210 Applicant Designation and Certification (GS2210 ADC) form by September 1, 2010, the submission deadline date.  Until the release of planning amounts, the GS2210 ADC form will not be available in eGrants.

As indicated above, planning amounts will be posted for each NCLB fund source on the GS2210 ADC form.  The applicant is to indicate among four options how they intend to apply for each fund source: Apply on Own (as an independent project), Apply as a Fiscal Agent of a Shared Services Arrangement, Not Apply at All, or Apply as a member of a Shared Services ArrangementThe information submitted on the GS2210 ADC form is binding.  No changes will be allowed after the form is submitted.  Applicants are advised to complete the process of obtaining local board approval, as appropriate, and ensuring accuracy before submitting this form.

The final submission in the application process is that of the Consolidated Application for Federal Funding (SAS#NCLBAA11), also available in eGrants.  Submission of the GS2210 ADC form will activate the automated SAS#NCLBAA11.  Applicants must submit the Consolidated Application for Federal Fundingand/or become a member of a Shared Services Arrangement no later than September 1, 2010, the submission deadline dateNo exceptions to this submission deadline date will be granted

Pre-Award Cost Approval
No applicant may obligate funds or receive services prior to the effective date (eGrant receipt) of the Consolidated Application for Federal Funding (SAS#NCLBAA11) or July 1, 2010, whichever is later.   Open enrollment charter schools, South Texas ISD and specific state schools are eligible for pre-award costs between July 1, 2010, and the effective date (certify and submit date) of the Consolidated Application for Federal Funding (SAS#NCLBAA11).  Pre-award costs are not applicable to new open enrollment charter schools.

New Open-Enrollment Charter Schools ONLY
If you are a new open-enrollment charter school opening for the very first time in Fall 2010, be advised of your alternate application deadline dates as shown below:

■    November 1, 2010—SC5010 form: must be open and providing instruction to students
      before reporting and submitting the SC5010 form
■    December 1, 2010—GS2210 ADC form activates access to the SAS#NCLBAA11
■    December 1, 2010—Consolidated Application for Federal Funding (SAS#NCLBAA11)

If you have any questions about the SC5010 NCLB Data Request Form for Federal Funding, the GS2210 ADC form, or pre-award cost approval, contact Dina Hernandez in the Division of Formula Funding at (512) 463-8525 or e-mail your questions to:

For questions about the Consolidated Application for Federal Funding (SAS#NCLBAA11), contact the NCLB Program Coordination Division at (512) 463-9374.



Yolanda Cantu
Senior Director, Division of Formula Funding

cc: Executive Directors, Regional Education Service Centers


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