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TEA Correspondence

A Microsoft Word version of this letter is available for download and PRINTING.


April 5, 2010

SUBJECT: Update to Revised Period of Obligation for Eligible 2009-2010 Federal Education Formula Grants

This letter revises the guidance communicated in the February 10, 2010, letter posted to the TEA Correspondence page.  Please share this information with federal program directors and with the business office.

Initial Guidance
The Texas Education Agency’s (TEA’s) initial guidance intended to comply with the Tydings Amendment provision (Section 421[b], of the General Education Provisions Act [GEPA], 20 U.S.C. 1225[b]), did not provide local educational agencies (LEAs) a full 27-month period to obligate federal education formula funds.  TEA implemented a project end date of August 15, 2010, to applicable federal education formula grants impacted by the Tydings Amendment.  An overlap between the current- year and carryover period of obligation did not produce the intended 27-month period of availability. Therefore, to ensure LEAs are provided the maximum obligation period permitted, TEA is aligning with U.S. Department of Education (USDE) policy guidance and implementing the following correction:

Revised Guidance
For federal formula grants, LEAs now have a maximum of 15 months to expend and obligate current-year funds from as early as July 1st of any federal fiscal year through September 30th of the subsequent year.  LEAs have an additional 12-month carryover period extending from October 1st through September 30th of the succeeding fiscal year.  The revision to the period of obligation applies to the current 2009-2010 school year and subsequent school years.

Eligible 2009-2010 Federal Formula Grant Programs
As a result of this revision to the period of obligation, the Expenditure Reporting (ER) system has been updated to reflect the new project end date of September 30, 2010, for the following 2009-2010 federal formula grant programs:

  • Title I, Part A–Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies
  • Title I–School Improvement Program (SIP)
  • Title I, Part C–Education of Migratory Children
  • Title I, Part D–Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk, Subpart 1–State Agency Programs
  • Title I, Part D–Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk, Subpart 2–Local Agency Programs
  • Title II, Part A–Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund
  • Title II, Part D–Enhancing Education Through Technology
  • Title III–Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient (LEP) and Immigrant Students
  • Title IV, Part A–Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities
  • Title VI, Part B–Rural Education Initiative, Subpart 2–Rural and Low-Income School Program
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B–Assistance for Education of All Children with Disabilities, Grants to States
  • IDEA, Part B–Assistance for Education of All Children with Disabilities, Grants to States, Deaf
  • IDEA, Part B–Assistance for Education of All Children with Disabilities, Preschool Grants
  • IDEA, Part B–Assistance for Education of All Children with Disabilities, Preschool Grants, Deaf

Please note this does not apply to any discretionary programs (state or federal) or to any state-funded formula programs.

2009-2010 New Expenditure Report Dates
Because of the additional three months to expend funds and TEA’s requirements for reporting final expenditures to the USDE, LEAs will be provided one opportunity to submit their final expenditure report.  TEA is discontinuing revised final expenditure reports; therefore, it is vitally important that the LEA’s final expenditure report be 100% accurate.   The final expenditure report due date for 2009-2010 is November 1, 2010.  Grantees will not be able to access the ER system after November 1, 2010.  TEA will not pay any expenditure report received after November 1, 2010 under any circumstances.  The decision is final and there will be no opportunity for appeal.  This is a significant change from prior practice.  Please ensure the business office is fully aware of this major change in policy for submitting final expenditure reports.

With questions, please contact the Division of Formula Funding at (512) 463-8525.

Yolanda Cantu
Senior Director, Division of Formula Funding

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