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TEA Correspondence

A Microsoft Word version of this letter is available for download and PRINTING.

August 16, 2006


This letter is to advise you of how the Texas Education Agency will implement the student transfer restrictions under the statewide desegregation order (“CA 5281”) during the 2006-2007 school year.

Two court decisions involving the student transfer provisions of CA 5281have recently been issued, one by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, (see footnote 1) and one by the original Trial Court. Those decisions deal with the agency’s implementation of the 1973 Modified Order that limits interdistrict student transfers “which will reduce or impede desegregation, or which will reinforce, renew or encourage…discriminatory treatment of students on the basis of race, color or national origin…” In response to the recent court decisions, the agency will implement the transfer restrictions during the 2006-2007 school year as follows:

  1. The Student Transfer System (STS) will be reopened as of August 16, 2006. Any transfer approved by that system will be funded for the entire school year. It is the district’s responsibility to document the approval of a transfer by printing and retaining both the Compliance/Noncompliance Report from the main menu and the Approved Transfers Report from the reports menu. TEA is working to better document transfers at the state level, but districts should retain those two records until further notice. No changes are being made in the requirements or treatment of hardship exemptions.
  2. Districts that are eligible for the sparsity adjustment under Section 42.105 of the Education Code will not be penalized for transfers that do not generate additional state funds, regardless of the impact on the racial composition of the receiving or sending district. For example, a district with 100 resident students may accept an additional 30 transfer students without penalty because those additional students do not generate additional state funding (see footnote 2).
  3. Districts may accept and be funded for additional transfers that are not approved by the current STS system, so long as there is no indication of intentional discrimination or segregative intent. TEA will accept written complaints by school districts of intentional discrimination or segregation on the basis of race, color, or national origin in the acceptance of interdistrict transfer students. Districts accepting additional transfers must document and retain any local transfer policies used and any decisions to reject transfers for evaluation in the event of a complaint.
  4. All interdistrict transfers must continue to be entered into the STS system. Additional documentation of transfer policies and any transfers rejected by districts accepting additional students under #3 above should also be retained locally. TEA will sanction districts that fail to comply with those requirements, including withholding funds.

We recognize that some of the questions raised by the two decisions are still unresolved. The guidance in this letter is limited to the 2006-2007 school year only and is offered for the purpose of allowing districts and parents to plan for the opening of the ‘06-‘07 school year. We will be working with the Texas Attorney General's Office to develop procedures for subsequent years.

Finally, please be aware that funding of a transfer under CA 5281 is distinct from the student’s eligibility for participation in UIL competitions. Please consult UIL rules for eligibility for those co- and extra-curricular activities.

If you have further questions, you may contact Ms. Pamela Williams by email at or by telephone at (512) 463-9519.


David Anderson
General Counsel

Footnote 1 - United States, et al. vs. State of Texas et al., No 05-41205, dated July 24, 2006.

Footnote 2 - Note that eligibility for the Sparsity Adjustment is in some instances also contingent on a minimum distance from another high school, or not offering all grades. Only a district meeting all of the requirements under Section 42.105 is eligible for the Sparsity Adjustment.

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