TEA Correspondence

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November 30, 2007

Subject: Rider 34 Disciplinary Alternative Education Funding for 2007–2008


Through Rider 34, the 80th Texas Legislature appropriated $4.75 million for the implementation of disciplinary alternative education programs under Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code during school years 2007–2008 and 2008–2009. For school year 2007–2008, Rider 34 funds will be distributed to school districts on the basis of a formula that provides the greater of either $500 or $2.0878 per student enrolled in grades 6 through 12 during the prior school year. The enrollment figures used are the PEIMS snapshot data from the fall 2006–2007 submission. A list of the amount to be paid to each district is posted on the School Finance website at


The amount due to each district will be processed as a single lump-sum payment that should be deposited in the district’s account near the end of November or the beginning of December. These funds are to be used by school districts for the operation and support of disciplinary education programs required under Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code. These funds may be recorded in the General Fund 199 using Revenue Code 5829, State Program Revenue Distributed by the Texas Education Agency.

If you have any questions concerning this payment, contact Victoria Drewy or Leo Lopez in the Division of State Funding.



Lisa Dawn-Fisher, Ph.D.

Director, School Finance

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