TEA Correspondence

A Microsoft Word version of this letter is available for download and PRINTING.

January 12, 2008

SUBJECT: 2008–2010 K – 2 TPRI and Tejas LEE Kits


  • Assure that staff retain all 2006–2008 K–2 TPRI Kits. No Kits are to be discarded.
  • Assure that staff retain all 2006–2008 K–2 Tejas LEE Kits. No Kits are to be discarded.

TPRI and Tejas LEE are moving to a 4-year platform.  As a result, no changes have been made to the 2006–2008 K–2 TPRI or Tejas LEE Kits.
Districts will continue to use the materials in their current 2006 – 2008 TPRI and Tejas LEE Kits through the 2010 school year.  Student Record Booklets and Class Summary Sheets will be replaced.

In July of 2008, districts will automatically receive a two-year supply of replacement Student Record Booklets and Class Summary Sheets for each 2006-2008 kit ordered.  The replacement materials will include:

  • TWO SETS of 24 Student Record Booklets for corresponding classrooms (based on 2006-2008 order) individually shrink-wrapped and labeled - one set for 2008-2009 and one set for 2009-2010; and
  • TWO SETS of 3 Class Summary Sheets (one BOY sheet, one MOY sheet and one EOY sheet) individually shrink-wrapped and labeled - one set for 2008-2009 and one set for 2009-2010.

Student Record Booklets and Class Summary Sheets will be bulk shipped to the district’s main address on file for TPRI.  If your district’s address has changed in the last two years, it is imperative that you visit www.tpriandtjl.com to update the address.  It is the district’s responsibility to distribute the replacement materials to the individual campuses.

For new classrooms that have been added due to growth, districts need to submit an Allocation Increase Request for new kits at www.tpriandtjl.com.  The new teacher’s name must be listed on the request form.  TEA does not provide new kits when current teachers leave and replacement teachers are hired.  It is important for districts to establish a policy to ensure that TPRI/Tejas LEE kits are left in the schools for the next teacher.  Lost or damaged TPRI/Tejas LEE kits will be replaced at district expense.

New complete four-year kits will be distributed in the summer of 2010.  Districts will be notified when it is time to place orders for the updated kit.  For additional information regarding the TPRI and Tejas LEE kits, please contact Rose Duarte at 512-463-9581 or curriculum@tea.state.tx.us.


Susan Barnes
Associate Commissioner for Standards and Programs

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