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TEA Correspondence

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October 19, 2009


SUBJECT:     Revised USDE Guidance Related to Highly Qualified Teacher Requirements

Based on information received by the Texas Education Agency (Agency) on October 5, 2009, in the U. S. Department of Education’s (USDE) Highly Qualified Teachers and Improving Teacher Quality State Grants (ESEA, Title II, Part A) Monitoring Report from the monitoring visit conducted on September 1-2, 2009, the USDE is requiring the Agency to review the applicability of some of the elementary teacher certification examinations for meeting the Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) requirements as described in the attached information. 

The Agency is currently in contact with USDE in order to request 1) further clarification on the timeline for implementation of the new interpretation, and 2) determine any allowable flexibility. 

Unless the Agency receives some additional clarification or flexibility, the new information from USDE will mean that many elementary teachers who were new to the profession when hired for the 2009-2010 school year and demonstrated subject area competency based on passing a certification exam in a specific subject area cannot be considered Highly Qualified for elementary grades (grades PK-6) until he/she has also passed a Generalist exam that tests subject knowledge in reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies.  In addition to the impact for these teachers, the USDE’s new interpretation will have an impact on reporting of HQT and parental notification at the local level.  More details on the full impact of this new interpretation are attached. 

While changes to affected elementary school teachers highly qualified status are not being required by the Agency at this time, there may be little or no flexibility allowed by USDE on this new interpretation.  Therefore, in order to provide teachers and campuses as much time as possible to meet the new requirement, the local education agency (LEA) may choose to be proactive and begin taking steps to come into compliance with the new interpretation. 

Please understand that it is in no way the Agency’s intent that these new teachers be released from their teaching positions due to this new interpretation.  The Agency will work with LEAs to the extent allowed by the USDE as you work through this issue.  The Agency understands the inconvenience and the financial impact this new interpretation may cause the affected campus(es) and teacher(s).

The USDE has agreed that highly qualified teacher determinations made for new elementary school teachers for the 2008-2009 and previous school years under the prior interpretation may remain valid for the teacher as long as the teacher remains in the same teaching assignment.  Portability of those determinations between Texas LEAs, as long as the teacher remains in the same teaching assignment, also remains in effect for those teachers.

A webinar will be scheduled to help address any questions you may have concerning this new interpretation once final clarification and guidance is received from USDE.  Information on the webinar will be shared through the NCLB Update listserv that is disseminated to school districts each week via electronic mail.  To subscribe to the NCLB Update, go to and select "No Child Left Behind" from the dropdown box and click on the "Join or Leave" button.  At the second screen, enter your email address and name and click on the "Join the List" button. 

If you have questions regarding the NCLB Highly Qualified Teacher requirements, HQT reporting, or parent notification, please contact Scott Lewis in the Division of NCLB Program Coordination via electronic mail at or at (512) 463-9374.

If you have questions regarding teacher certification issues, please contact Melva Cardenas in the Division of Educator Credentialing via electronic mail at or at (512) 936-8224.



Gene Lenz
Deputy Associate Commissioner
   for Special Programs



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