Learning ISD (999-999) received $180,000 of ESEA, Title I, Part C funds and $300,000 of ESEA, Title I, Part A funds in the prior school year. These actual revenue amounts are reported in the following manner.
Input Record |
District ID |
Fund Code |
Function |
Object |
Organi-zation Code |
Fiscal |
Program |
Actual |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
032 |
999999 |
212 |
00 |
5919 |
000 |
X |
00 |
00000180000 |
032 |
999999 |
211 |
00 |
5919 |
000 |
X |
00 |
00000300000 |
Explanation of 032 Actual Record Layout
DISTRICT-ID 999999 indicates the county district number for Learning ISD.
FUND-CODE 212 designates special revenue fund ESEA, Title I, Part C.
FUND-CODE 211 designates special revenue fund ESEA, Title I, Part A.
FUNCTION-CODE 00 indicates no function is reported with revenues/other resources.
OBJECT-CODE 5919 indicates Other Federal Revenues.
ORGANIZATION-CODE 000 indicates no organization code is reported with revenues/other resources.
FISCAL-YEAR X designates the last digit of the fiscal year.
PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE 00 indicates no program code is reported with revenues/other resources.
ACTUAL-AMOUNT indicates $180,000 was expended for ESEA, Title I, Part C and $300,000 was expended for ESEA, Title 1, Part A.