Input Record
Type Code

District ID




Organi-zation Code























1 - 3

4 - 9

10 - 12

13 - 14

15 - 18

19 - 21


23 - 24

25 - 35

36 – 80






The 032 Financial Actual Data record identifies the prior school year ESC/LEA audited financial information.  The financial actual information reflects the prior fiscal year ESC/LEA revenues, expenditures, and account balances as they were audited by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). 

Business Rules

INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE (E0755) identifies the type of data on a PEIMS data submission record.

DISTRICT-ID (E0212) indicates the district identification number registered with the Texas Education Agency.

DISTRICT-ID on the 032 Actual records must match the value for DISTRICT-ID on the LEA 010 District record.

FUND-CODE (E0316) identifies the fund group and specific fund (when applicable) for actual financial data (032 and 033 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA - SHARED SERVICES ARRANGEMENT ACTUAL records). FUND-CODE identifies the specific fund for budget (030 Budget Record) and payroll (060 Staff - Employment Payroll Accounting Record).

Districts that receive a Notice of Grant Award for a “new grant” in which the fund code does not become effective until 9/1/XX but the grant becomes effective 7/1/XX must report July and August under the applicable generic fund code for those two months.

FUNCTION-CODE (E0317) identifies a general operational area and groups together related activities.

If OBJECT-CODE is not 61XX-66XX, FUNCTION-CODE will be changed to 00 at TEA during the data load.

OBJECT-CODE (E0318) identifies an account, a transaction, or a source of funds. It indicates the major account group to which a transaction is posted or to which the associated monies are related. The major account groups for PEIMS reporting include fund equity, revenue, other resources/non-operating revenue/residual equity transfers in, expenditures/expenses, and other uses/non-operating expenses/residual equity transfers out.

ORGANIZATION-CODE (E0319) identifies the unique organizational unit within the district with which the account is associated. For campuses, this is the three-digit campus number registered with the Texas Education Agency. For non-campuses, this must be one of the administrative units required in the Resource Guide, 998 or 999.

Follow the Resource Guide rules for reporting organizations/campus IDs.

Follow the Resource Guide rules for reporting organizations/campus IDs.

CAMPUS-ID/Organization Code



If OBJECT-CODE is not 61XX-66XX, then ORGANIZATION-CODE will be changed to 000 at TEA during the data load.

Organization 000 should be used with all object codes outside the range of 6100-6600.


Campuses registered in the AskTED system as instructional


Use for reporting financial information about Summer School

Organization 699 is to be used for all summer school budget reporting.


Not available for use by ESCs or LEAs (implemented by fatal edits).

701 - 703

701 Organization Unit – Superintendent’s Office (ISDs); Organization Unit – Chief Administrator’s Office (Charter Schools)

702 Organization Unit – School Board (ISDs); organization Unit – Board Directors (Charter Schools)

703 Organization Unit – Tax Costs (ISDs); not applicable to Charter Schools

(Implemented by fatal edits)

704 – 708

Reserved for Future State Definition (FARSG p480)

These codes are reserved for future state designation and are not to be used by the school district. (implemented by fatal edits).

709 – 719

If used by ESCs or LEAs then codes must be converted to 720 (implemented by fatal edits).


Organization unit – Direct Costs in Function 41 (General Administration)

721 – 725

Reserved for Future State Definition (FARSG p481)

These codes are reserved for future state designation and are not to be used by the school district. (implemented by fatal edits).

726 – 749

If used by ESCs or LEAs then codes must be converted to 750 (implemented by fatal edits).


Organization units – Indirect Costs in Function 41 (General Administration), including Business Office/Personnel/Payroll/Human Resources/Purchasing


Fiscal Agent Shared Services Arrangements. (Not applicable to Charter School) (Implemented by fatal edits)

752 – 799

Reserved for Future State Definition (FARSG p482)

These organization units are reserved for future state definition and are not to be used by the school district. (implemented by fatal edits).

800 - 997

If used by ESCs or LEAs then codes must be converted to 999 (notification made with edits)


Unallocated Organization Unit.


If OBJECT-CODE is 61XX-66XX, ORGANIZATION-CODE is less than 699, and no match of ORGANIZATION-CODE is found in the CAMPUS-ID table, ORGANIZATION-CODE will be changed to 999 at TEA during data loading (notification made with fatal edits).

If OBJECT-CODE is 61XX-66XX, ORGANIZATION-CODE is less than 699, and no match of ORGANIZATION-CODE is found in the CAMPUS-ID table, ORGANIZATION-CODE will be changed to 999 at TEA during the data load (notification made with edits 0302S, 032XW, and 06096). If OBJECT-CODE is not 61XX-66XX, then ORGANIZATION-CODE will be changed to 000 at TEA during the data load.

FISCAL-YEAR (E0974) is the last digit of the fiscal year, e.g., the fiscal year is 4 for the 1993-94 fiscal year.

For federal programs/projects, once a fiscal year code is assigned to a project that fiscal year code remains with the project until its termination, regardless of the fiscal year in which it terminates. For federal projects that lapse on June 30, the new project beginning on or after July 1 reflects the succeeding fiscal year's number.

For federal project funds, the FISCAL-YEAR should indicate the state project year during which the project funds were originally allocated. Otherwise, FISCAL-YEAR should indicate the state fiscal year.

Reporting Requirement for Changing the Start Date of the Fiscal Year:

School districts may choose a fiscal year that begins on either July 1st or September 1st of each year. A school fiscal year that begins on July 1st will end on June 30th of the next calendar year. In lieu of making a change in this area, districts may continue the current fiscal year reporting period that begins on September 1st and ends on August 31st of the next calendar year.

Budgetary planning activities are impacted for those school districts that decide to implement a fiscal year beginning on July 1st. Districts may delay implementation of a fiscal year start date of July 1st to any future fiscal year.

In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2016, districts must file with TEA no later than June 30, 2015, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2016. This form (FIN-003) is available on the TEA website at http://tea.texas.gov/Finance_and_Grants/Financial_Compliance/Fiscal_Year_Start_Date/.

In the first year of implementation, the financial accounting period will span ten months in those districts that opted to change, beginning September 1 and ending June 30. However, certain aspects of financial management and reporting will require adjustments in the first year of implementation. These adjustments are required since the state and federal fiscal years did not change, and the administration of state and federal regulatory activities, as well as state funding calculations under the Foundation School Program, require financial data on a 12-month reporting basis. This means that all financial data reported for the first year of implementation, except for the annual financial report, must be based on a 12-month reporting period, as follows:

Actual financial data reported through the PEIMS collection system must be on a 12-month basis for the period beginning September 1st and ending August 31 (two months beyond the July 1st start date of the following fiscal year), including the actual financial accounting record type 032, and the shared services arrangement actual record type 033. The independent auditor will be required to apply procedures to the district’s processes involving the aggregation and reporting of actual financial data on a 12-month basis, in accordance with Section 44.008(b), Texas Education Code. As a result of this special reporting requirement, the 12-month data representing actual financial data will match the reporting period for 12-month data reported for budget financial data; and

Financial data reported in the annual financial report will be prepared on a ten-month basis in all financial statements and exhibits for the fiscal period beginning September 1st and ending June 30th, and will include an additional schedule containing supplemental financial data reporting tax collections for the 12-month period beginning September 1st and ending August 31st.

For all subsequent fiscal year periods following the first year of implementation of a July 1st fiscal year start date, all financial data will be reported on a 12-month basis spanning July 1st through June 30th. Please note that additional considerations may affect a school district’s decision to implement a change in its fiscal year start date, including the installation of new financial accounting software and/or significant problems in internal financial management activities such as general ledger reconciliation problems. Some school district officials have indicated that the elimination of accrued payroll liabilities will be the primary benefit of a change in the fiscal year start date; however, it is important to understand that this change will not eliminate all accrued payroll liabilities (the exact impact on accrued payroll liabilities can be clarified by visiting with the district’s independent auditor). Prior to making this change, it is also recommended that the district’s administration advise the board of trustees and have the board ratify administration’s proposed decision to change the start date of the fiscal year. District administration should also inform the board of trustees about the impact this change will have on various administrative processes, such as the budget development calendar. It will also be important to monitor any activity during the upcoming legislative session that may impact certain aspects of this financial management issue. Lastly, it is recommended that the district consult with its independent auditor before making a change in the fiscal year start date.

Changes to deadlines for filing the independent financial audit should result in appropriate modifications to the timing of quality assurance procedures for data submitted through PEIMS.

GASB 34 had little to no impact on PEIMS reporting. Districts continue to report their governmental fund type information on a modified accrual accounting basis consistent with reporting practices on governmental fund types prior to GASB 34.

For additional information on this topic please visit the TEA Correspondence Webpage at: http://tea.texas.gov/taa_letters.aspx. More information is available in the TEA correspondence dated May 16, 2001 and the subject line is: Update 7 to the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide.

Option to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year:

Year Fiscal Year Start Date Transitions to July 1st:

Budget financial data reported through PEIMS for the year of implementation must be on a twelve-month basis for the period beginning September 1st and ending August 31st (two months beyond the July 1st start date of the following fiscal year);

Actual financial data reported through PEIMS must be on a twelve-month basis for the period beginning September 1st and ending August 31 (two months beyond the July 1st start date of the following fiscal year), including the actual financial accounting record type 032, and the shared services arrangement actual record type 033.

Year After Transition to July 1st Fiscal Year Start Date:

For all subsequent fiscal year periods following the first year of implementation of a July 1st fiscal year start date, all financial data will be reported on a twelve-month basis spanning July 1st through June 30th.

For additional information on this topic please visit the TEA Correspondence Webpage at: http://tea.texas.gov/taa_letters.aspx. More information is available in the TEA correspondence dated January 24, 2001 and the subject line is: Option to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year.

PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE (E0320) PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE identifies the cost of instruction and other services that are directed toward a particular need of a specific set of students. The intent (the student group toward which the instructional or other service is directed) determines the PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE, not the demographic makeup of the students served.

If OBJECT-CODE is not 61XX-66XX, PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE will be changed to 00 at TEA during the data load.

ACTUAL-AMOUNT (E0774) ACTUAL-AMOUNT indicates the dollar value associated with actual financial account information.

All amount fields should be rounded to the nearest dollar, e.g., $109.50 is coded as "110", and $109.49 is coded as "109".

When reporting BUDGET-AMOUNT and ACTUAL-AMOUNT, all revenues, expenditures, and fund balances are shown as unsigned positive numbers. In rare cases, some accounts may need to appear as negative numbers, such as when a deficit fund balance occurs. In ASCII data, a negative number is represented by changing the last digit in the number to one of several character symbols. The symbols indicate the last digit of the number and that the entire number is negative. For example, ASCII uses the dollar sign ($) to indicate that the last digit is an integer 4 and that the entire number is negative. Thus, the number -1234 is saved in ASCII as 123$.

Reporting Requirements

PEIMS collects financial data in chart of accounts format following the mandatory accounting codes outlined in the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide, Financial Accounting and Reporting Module. Detailed (non-summarized) financial data in a format that reflects local accounting records is reported for actual data.

The PEIMS data collection format for actual data reflects the mandated minimum account code structure of the Resource Guide. Districts must report the amount associated with each combination of values of the state mandatory minimum account codes used for local accounting purposes. Where districts maintain greater detail than the state-mandated level, which could occur if a district's records include either code values or code accounts beyond the state minimum, such as sub-object accounting, the detail is to be rolled up (summarized) to the state-mandated level by districts prior to delivery to ESCs for PEIMS editing and processing.

Districts should report only the lowest level of detail maintained in their financial records even if higher summary levels of detail are included in their records. For instance, if a district's internal records include information about teachers' salaries (object 6119) and clerical workers' salaries (object 6129), total salaries (object 6110), and total payroll costs (object 6100), only information recorded to the third level object code (objects 6119, 6129) should be reported.

PEIMS collects actual financial data for the prior school year. These are audited data. Any audit corrections must have been made in the district's records. Districts must report records related to detailed revenue, fund balance, and expenditure accounts. Fund balance accounts (codes 3XXX) should show the post-closing fund balances on August 31 of the prior year, with all audit adjustments posted. The PEIMS data collection format reflects the mandated minimum account code structure in the Resource Guide. The actual financial data reporting requires ACTUAL-AMOUNT, rather than BUDGET-AMOUNT, as in budget reporting.

Amount refers to "actual pre-closing realized expenditures/expenses and pre-closing revenues".

If the district was the absorbing district in a consolidation the prior year, the district must report the actual financial data for the consolidated district.

Actual financial data are reported to reflect the district configuration of the prior year.

The shared services arrangement fiscal agent reports the actual financial data for the prior school year for the shared services arrangement. Actual revenue and expenditure data should be reported using the FUND-CODEs specified for shared services arrangements.

PEIMS code tables for Resource Guide accounting codes (FUND-CODE Table, FUNCTION-CODE Table, OBJECT-CODE Table and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE Table) contain detail to the minimum state-mandated level of detail. Summary level codes are not included in these code tables, since such summaries are not requested for PEIMS reporting. As mentioned above, districts that use Resource Guide codes that are below the state-mandated level must report data only to the level of detail that is prescribed in the code tables.

Both digits of the FUNCTION-CODE should have meaningful values. The OBJECT-CODE values should correspond at least to the greatest level of detail described in the Resource Guide, which in most cases is the third level object code (meaningful fourth digit). Although sub-object accounting, as described in the Resource Guide, is implemented in many districts, this is not reported in PEIMS. The ORGANIZATION-CODE values reported should relate to all organizational units for which the district accounts. Code values associated with campus organizational units should match those registered with TEA.

Special Reporting Requirements

Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department schools do not report the 032 Actual Data record.