Input Record Type



ID of Enrollment

Campus ID of Disciplinary Assignment

Disciplinary Action Number

Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary Action Reason Code

Official Length of Disciplinary Assignment















1 - 3

4 - 9

10 - 18

19 - 27

28 - 36

37 - 39

40 - 41

42 - 43

44 - 46






Actual Length of Disciplinary Assignment

Disciplinary Length Difference Reason Code

Disciplinary Incident Number

Reporting Period Indicator Code

Date of Disciplinary Action

Campus ID of Disciplinary Responsibility

Behavior Location Code
















47 - 49

50 - 51

52 - 57


59 - 66

67 - 75

76 - 77

78 - 80



The 425 Disciplinary Action Data – Student Data record indicates the student classroom removals based upon the student code of conduct violations enforced by the LEA.  This data is mandated for collection by Texas Education Code TEC 37.020. The data record also indicates the incidents of truancy for which the LEA has a truancy complaint against the student and/or the student’s parent/guardian. 

Business Rules

INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE (E0755) identifies the type of data on a PEIMS data submission record.

DISTRICT-ID (E0212) indicates the district identification number registered with the Texas Education Agency.

DISTRICT-ID on the 425 Disciplinary Action records must match the value for DISTRICT-ID on the LEA 010 District record.

STUDENT-ID (E0001) is the student's Social Security number or a state-approved alternative identification number.

When available, the student's Social Security number should be reported. If this number is not available, follow the instructions under the 100 Student Identification record for the assignment of an alternate identification number.

The first character of STUDENT-ID must be "S" or "0"-"8".

CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) indicates the unique campus identification number of the campus in which the student is enrolled.

The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must be in the range of 001-698.

CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match CAMPUS-ID on a 020 Campus record.

For the 425 Discipline Assignment record, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must indicate the campus on which the student was enrolled when the disciplinary violation occurred. For all continuation disciplinary assignments, the CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must be the campus at which the student is enrolled (PEIMS 400 Student - Basic Attendance Record/500 Flexible Attendance Record) for instructional services.

CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on a 400 Student - Basic Attendance Record and/or 500 Student - Flexible Attendance record with a matching STUDENT-ID.

CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT (E1003) indicates the unique campus identification number of the campus in which the student was placed for disciplinary reasons.

CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT will be blank when a campus of disciplinary assignment is not appropriate. Examples of this situation include out-of-school suspension, expulsion without placement in another educational setting, and truancy actions. 

DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-NUMBER (E1004) indicates the differentiation between two or more separate disciplinary actions reported with identical values for STUDENT-ID and CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT.

DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-NUMBER is used to differentiate between separate disciplinary actions for a particular student on a particular campus. For example, while Janice was enrolled on Campus 002, she had DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-NUMBERs 001-013 reported on her 425 Student - Disciplinary Action records for Campus 002. After Janice moved to Campus 005, she had DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-NUMBERs 001-004 reported on her 425 Student - Disciplinary Action records for Campus 005. However, LEAs/campuses may choose any numbering sequence, as long as the same number is not repeated for a particular student at a particular campus.

DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE (E1005) indicates the type of disciplinary action taken for a student. Refer to Appendix E for detailed definitions of the disciplinary action codes.

DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE (E1006) indicates the reason a student was subject to a disciplinary action. Refer to Appendix E for detailed definitions of each disciplinary action reason codes.

Note: Switchblade knives are no longer prohibited weapons under Disciplinary Action Reason Code 14 - Prohibited Weapons. LEAs should adopt policy in the student code of conduct in regard to switchblade knives.

OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT (E1007) indicates the official length in days of a student’s disciplinary assignment. Include only instructional school days when calculating this number.

For ISS, OSS, JJAEP, DAEP, and Expulsion assignments that involve any part of a day, the OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT and/or ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT field should be rounded up to the next whole number. (For example, if a student is suspended out of school for 2.5 days, then there should be one 425 Student - Disciplinary Action record where the OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT and/or ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT field should be reported with a value of 3.)

ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT (E1008) indicates the actual length in days of a student’s disciplinary assignment.

For ISS, OSS, JJAEP, DAEP, and Expulsion assignments that involve any part of a day, the OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT and/or ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT field should be rounded up to the next whole number. (For example, if a student is suspended out of school for 2.5 days, then there should be one 425 Student - Disciplinary Action record where the OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT and/or ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT field should be reported with a value of 3.)

Include only the actual number of instructional school days that the student was in attendance when calculating this number. Do not include days absent.

DISCIPLINARY-LENGTH-DIFFERENCE-REASON-CODE (E1009) indicates the reason for the difference, if any, between the official and actual lengths of a student’s disciplinary assignment.

DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER (E1016) designates an incident that occurs on a campus and results in one or more disciplinary actions for one or more students. If, on a single campus, more than one student is involved in an incident that results in disciplinary action(s), all of the 425 Student - Disciplinary Action records for all the students must show the same incident number. Each district/campus must develop a system for assigning incident numbers. The same incident numbers can be used on multiple campuses, since incident numbers are required to be unique at a campus, but not for the district.

DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER allows information users to see the connection between two or more students involved in a single incident and/or two or more disciplinary actions for the same incident. The same DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER may appear on several 425 Student - Disciplinary Action records for a given student. The same DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER may also appear on the 425 Student - Disciplinary Action records of more than one student. A particular DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER may be duplicated for unrelated events across campuses in a particular district, but within a particular campus, the duplication of DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBERs must be related to the same event.

REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) indicates the period for which the attendance data are being reported.

In those situations where an incident resulting in disciplinary action occurs in one reporting period and the actual disciplinary action occurs in a subsequent reporting period, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE should be the reporting period in which the disciplinary assignment was ordered.

DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION (E1036) indicates the date on which the disciplinary assignment was ordered. This may or may not reflect the date on which the disciplinary infraction occurred. This date may or may not reflect the date on which the disciplinary assignment begins. For continuation assignments this date reflects the first day of the school year of the continuation.

DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION must be a valid date. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit.

CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY (E1037) indicates the instructional campus on which the student was enrolled when the student code of conduct violation occurred and the disciplinary assignment was made, or for a continuation disciplinary assignment the campus that the student would attend under all normal circumstances if not under a disciplinary assignment.

CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY must be a valid campus. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit.

CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY will identify the campus that is the owner of the student’s accountability. For most 425 Student - Disciplinary Action records the CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY field will be the same value as the CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT field. For continuation disciplinary assignments, the CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY field will be a different value from the CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT field when the student’s enrollment has been changed to a disciplinary campus type such as DAEP or JJAEP. The following common scenarios provide guidance on reporting the correct CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY:

1. If the student is enrolled in the same district that made the original disciplinary assignment, and the student is continuing the disciplinary assignment, then the regular education campus that the student would now attend under all normal circumstances must be identified as the CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY on the PEIMS 425 Student - Disciplinary Action record.

2. If the student has been promoted or moved from the original campus making the disciplinary assignment, then the regular education campus that the student would now attend under all normal circumstances must be identified as the CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY on the PEIMS 425 Student - Disciplinary Action record. 

3. If the student has changed school districts and the new district is going to continue the disciplinary assignment, then the regular education campus that the student would now attend under all normal circumstances must be identified as the CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY on the PEIMS 425 Student - Disciplinary Action record. 

4. A campus registered in the Texas School Directory as a DAEP should never be reported as the CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY RESPONSIBILITY.  If the student violates the Student Code of Conduct while at the DAEP an additional disciplinary assignment may take place and the CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY RESPONSIBILITY will be the regular education campus the student would attend if not in the DAEP. 

5. A JJAEP can never be the CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY because once the student has been expelled to a JJAEP; no further 425 Student - Disciplinary Action records are reported for disciplinary actions that occur while the student is in the JJAEP.

BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE (E1083) indicates where a student committed an applicable offense that is enumerated in Texas Education Code 37.006 or 37.007. (On/off campus, school related activities, etc…)

The Behavior Location Code identifies those DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODEs that have a location specified in the Texas Education Code Chapter 37. In most cases where the BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE is applicable to a particular DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE, there is more than one possible action for that DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE depending upon where the behavior occurred. If a DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE only has a BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE of 00 - Not Applicable, then the Texas Education Code Chapter 37 is silent as to a location of the behavior and it does not matter where the behavior occurred so long as the local Student Code of Conduct addresses the LEAs ability to take action for the behavior where it occurred.

Please refer to Appendix E for a complete guide to all DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODEs, the related BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODEs, and the allowable actions per Texas Education Code Chapter 37.

Reporting Requirements

The 425 Disciplinary Assignment record is only reported in submission 3.

A PEIMS 425 Student - Disciplinary Action record must be reported for each disciplinary action that results in a removal of a student from any part of their regular academic program. A single student will have multiple 425 Student - Disciplinary Action records if removed from his/her classroom more than once. Every disciplinary action that results in the removal of a student from any part of their regular academic program will be categorized in one of the following general categories: In-School Suspension (ISS), Out-of-School Suspension (OSS), Expulsion, Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP), or DAEP assignments. Refer to PEIMS Code Table C164 Discipline Action Code for the specific actions to be reported.

The 425 discipline record data is also required by TEC, Chapter 37, P.L. 107-110 - No Child Left Behind (NCLB), and IDEA 2004, which includes students who are receiving special education and related services. TEA will maintain the privacy of this personally identifiable information in accordance with FERPA.

For each 425 Discipline Action record there must be a 400 Student - Basic Attendance Record and/or 500 Student - Flexible Attendance record with a matching STUDENT-ID.

A 425 Student - Disciplinary Action record is created if a student is placed in a JJAEP. However, once in the JJAEP, no further 425 Student - Disciplinary Action records are reported for disciplinary actions that occur while in the JJAEP. The only exception to this rule is when a student is continuing a JJAEP assignment from either a prior school district or prior school year.

Anytime a disciplinary action spans multiple school years or multiple school districts, the reporting period indicator code for continuation assignments should be the reporting period in which the continuation assignment is made in the subsequent school year or by the subsequent school district. Be sure that continuation DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODEs 08-12, 15, 55-59 or 61 are used when continuing a disciplinary assignment from a prior year or prior district.

For districts operating DAEPs, or participating in Shared Service Arrangements for DAEP services, or participating in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for JJAEPs, all days of operation for student attendance must be reported through PEIMS Submission 3. There is no Summer School Program period for disciplinary programs such as DAEPs or JJAEPs and all days of student attendance for disciplinary assignments must be reported through PEIMS Submission 3. Each district has control over when its district's calendar for a DAEP or JJAEP begins and ends. For example, if the JJAEP has a 220 day calendar, and a school district’s traditional calendar runs from August 15, 20XX through May 30, 20YY, then the calendar for the JJAEP could potentially run from June 1, 20XX through May 30, 20YY or some variation such that the district’s ability to report PEIMS data for Submission 3 by the required due dates is not impaired.

For the behaviors identified in TEC §37.006, refer to the “Mandatory DAEP Placement” column on the Chart for Determining Mandatory Placement and Expulsion Codes at the end of Appendix E. For students identified with one of these behaviors there must be a 425 Student - Disciplinary Action record illustrating at least one day of removal to a DAEP unless the student is a student receiving special education services for whom a manifestation hearing is held in accordance with IDEA and a determination made that the mandatory action is not appropriate and will not be taken. When the mandatory action is not taken and another action is taken, the district must submit a 425 Student - Disciplinary Action record with DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE 27 and a record with the action(s) taken by the district. Both records must have the same DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER.

For the behaviors identified in TEC §37.007, refer to the “Mandatory Expulsion” column on the Chart for Determining Mandatory Placement and Expulsion Codes at the end of Appendix E. For students identified with one of these behaviors there must be a 425 Student - Disciplinary Action record illustrating at least one day of expulsion to either a JJAEP, DAEP, or no academic setting based upon the requirements in state law and/or district policy unless the student is a student receiving special education services for whom a manifestation hearing is held in accordance with IDEA and a determination made that the mandatory action is not appropriate and will not be taken. When the mandatory action is not taken and another action is taken, the district must submit a 425 Student - Disciplinary Action record with DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE 27 and a record with the action(s) taken by the district. Both records must have the same DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER.

A single incident/offense may result in multiple disciplinary actions.  In such cases, multiple 425 Student - Disciplinary Action records must be reported for each action taken against a particular student for a particular incident/offense. See Example #2 of this section.

The use of DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODEs "50"-"61" are limited to those occasions when a Special Education hearing officer assigned by the TEA has been brought in to preside over the Discipline Action Hearing.

If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "50"-"61", then there must be at least some Regular or Flexible Special Education Attendance reported for this student in the same reporting period.

If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "27", then there must be at least some Regular or Flexible Special Education Attendance reported for this student in the same reporting period.

A student should not have more disciplinary removals in a six week reporting period than there are days in membership (sum of TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT, TOTAL–INELIGIBLE–DAYS-PRESENT and TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT) on a 400 record for that student during that same reporting period.

A student may not have more than one day of disciplinary removal assigned or served for a Partial Day Out-Of-School Suspension or Partial Day In-School Suspension (DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODEs “25” or “26”). For Partial Day In-School Suspensions or Partial Day Out-Of-School Suspensions, the OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT and ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT cannot be greater than one (1) day. Disciplinary removal assignments to Out-Of-School Suspension or In-School Suspension that are greater than one day must be coded with DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODEs “05” or “06”.

For all of the 425 PEIMS records reported by a district or charter school there may only be one instance of the values for CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, STUDENT-ID, DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER, DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE and DATE-OF-DISCPLINARY-ACTION. Whenever a student is reported with multiple 425 PEIMS records at the same CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, at least one of the elements DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER, DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE, or DATE-OF-DISCPLINARY-ACTION must be different.

An exception to this rule would be an instance where the teacher has permanently removed a student from their classroom (DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE “01”) and the campus administrator has no other academic setting available for the student for this particular time period/subject.

Except for the reason of “bringing a firearm to school”, a student who is younger than 10 years of age may not be expelled for engaging in conduct described in TEC 37.007. Students who are less than 10 years of age and commit an otherwise expellable offense may be placed to a DAEP via a DAEP conference hearing in lieu of an expulsion hearing. Students under the age of 10 who bring a firearm to school must be expelled with placement to a DAEP.

Special Reporting Requirements

For purposes of discipline data reported to TEA, the attendance/PEIMS data personnel are only responsible for entering information that has been provided to them by the Superintendent or their designee(s) who are responsible for applying the Student Code of Conduct to student behavior.  In no case should attendance/PEIMS data personnel be responsible for determining a student's coding information for discipline actions taken.

The 425 Student - Disciplinary Action Record Chart for Determining Mandatory Placements and Expulsions located in Appendix E illustrates those occasions where mandatory action(s) must be taken. If the offense committed falls under either Mandatory DAEP Placement or Mandatory Expulsion, then the district should report at least one (1) 425 Student - Disciplinary Action record that matches the chart. Appropriate exceptions would include students receiving special education services for whom a manifestation ARD was held in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education (omit-Improvement) Act (IDEA) and it was determined a link existed between the student’s behavior and the student’s disability. In reporting such an exception, the district must submit one record with DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE 27 and another record(s) with the DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE(s) that was taken by the district using the same incident number linking the records together.

Another exception is when a school district determines that the mandatory disciplinary action will not be taken because the district considered one or more of the TEC, §37.001(a)(4) provisions that requires the district to consider self defense, intent or lack of intent, student’s disciplinary history, or disability that substantially impairs the student’s capacity to appreciate the wrongfulness of the student’s conduct as a factor in a decision to order suspension, removal to a disciplinary alternative education program, or expulsion.  The district must submit one record with DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE 28 and another record(s) with the DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE(s) of the action(s) that were taken by the district using the same incident number linking the records together.


Truancy data reporting is a federally mandated requirement under the NCLB.

A 425 Student - Disciplinary Action record is created after a truancy complaint has been filed against a student and/or parent/guardian in a truancy court (County, Municipal, or Justice of the Peace court). It is not necessary for the school to know the outcome of the truancy filing from the court to report the truancy incident to the Texas Education Agency.

Refer to Appendix E for additional information regarding reporting truancy violations though the PEIMS 425 data record.