Input Record Type |
District ID |
Student ID |
Campus ID of Enrollment |
Instruc-tional |
Reporting Period Indicator Code |
Number Days Taught |
Grade Level Code |
Flexible Attendance Program Type Code |
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Instruc-tional Setting Code |
Flex Attend Days Eligible |
Flex Attend Excess Minutes in Instr Setting |
Instruc-tional Setting Code |
Flex Attend Days Eligible |
Flex Attend Excess Minutes in Instr Setting |
Instruc-tional Setting Code |
Flex Attend Days Eligible |
Flex Attend Excess Minutes in Instr Setting |
Filler |
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The 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance Data - Student record is used to report the special education flexible attendance data for each eligible special education student enrolled in an approved Flexible Attendance Program.
INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE (E0755) identifies the type of data on a PEIMS data submission record.
DISTRICT-ID (E0212) indicates the district identification number registered with the Texas Education Agency.
DISTRICT-ID on the 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance records must match the value for DISTRICT-ID on the LEA 010 District record.
STUDENT-ID (E0001) is the student's Social Security number or a state-approved alternative identification number.
When available, the student's Social Security number should be reported. If this number is not available, follow the instructions under the 100 Student Identification record for the assignment of an alternate identification number.
The first character of STUDENT-ID must be "S" or "0"-"8".
CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) indicates the unique campus identification number of the campus in which the student is enrolled.
The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must be in the range of 001-698.
CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match CAMPUS-ID on a 020 Campus record.
INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE (E0975) indicates the instructional track for the student. (This data element pertains to the instructional calendar for the student. It does not refer to ability groupings.)
Campuses which make use of multiple instructional calendars are considered to have more than one instructional track. A campus can have up to 10 instructional tracks (0-9). Anytime the NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT for a particular six-week reporting period at a campus are different, then there must be an additional INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE for that six-week reporting period. It is recommended that the instructional tracks on a campus are numbered beginning with 0, and following in sequence. The INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE is used by TEA to differentiate between multiple instructional calendars when calculating Foundation School Funding.
REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) indicates the period for which the attendance data are being reported.
The instructional calendar(s) for each campus must be divided into six approximately equal reporting periods. Warning: School calendar tracks exceeding 180 days will result in less ADA funding per day for the school district/campus.
For the 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record, the REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is limited to codes “1” – “6” for Submission 3 and codes “7” – “8” for submission 4.
NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) indicates the number of days of instruction offered, as shown on the school calendar, during a particular reporting period.
Instructional days do not include days of teacher in-service or preparation, or holidays. All students assigned to a particular instructional track will have the same NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT. Warning: School calendar tracks exceeding 180 days will result in less ADA funding per day for the school district/campus.
The instructional calendar(s) for each campus must be divided into six approximately equal reporting periods.
For Submission 3, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT may not exceed 45 days for the first five six-week reporting periods or 90 days for the sixth six-week reporting period.
For submission 4, the NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT for the OFSDP Credit Recovery Program must be reported as 30 days.
GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) indicates the current grade level of the student.
If a student changes grade levels during the course of the school year, then the GRADE-LEVEL-CODE will reflect each grade level that the student was assigned during the course of the year. If the student changes grade levels during a reporting period, then the student will have a 500 Flexible Attendance data record for the days of attendance associated with each grade level in that reporting period.
FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE (E1045) indicates the unique type of flexible attendance program to which the student’s flexible attendance is related.
There are three (3) unique programs that generate attendance data on the 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance data record.
1: Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) – Submission 3 only
2: High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) – Submission 3 only
3: OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program – Submission 4 only
The following is a brief description of each of the Flexible Attendance Program Types:
1 - Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) – This is an attendance program for students who: 1) have dropped out of school or are at risk of dropping out, 2) are participating in an approved early college high school plan, or 3) are attending a campus implementing an innovative redesign under a plan approved by the commissioner of education. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.
2 - High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) - The High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) is also known as the "In-School GED Program." The Texas In-School GED Program provides an alternative for high school students aged 16 and older who are at risk of not graduating from high school and earning a high school diploma. Only those school districts that have applied and been approved by the agency may operate High School Equivalency Programs (HSEP). For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.
3 - OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program – This is an attendance program that occurs in the summer period between school years for students who as a result of not meeting the attendance requirements under TEC, §25.092, will be denied credit (promotion) for one or more classes in which the students have been enrolled. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.
INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (E0173) identifies the setting used in providing instruction to students.
A student who changes INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODEs during a reporting period may be reported on the same 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record, unless the record key changes.
The INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE for speech therapy is “00”. Students receiving speech therapy services should be reported on the 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record unless exempted by other reporting requirements (such as ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE “0” students). Students receiving speech therapy services who are also receiving services in another instructional setting should have both instructional settings reported on the 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record unless exempted by other reporting requirements (such as ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE “0” students).
Each instructional setting has a different contact-hour multiplier. Use the following chart when computing special education contact hours.
Instructional Arrangement/Setting Code(s) |
Contact-Hour Multiplier |
Speech Therapy - code 00 |
.25 |
Homebound - code 01 |
1.00 |
Hospital Class - code 02 |
4.50 |
Vocational Adjustment Class - code 08 |
5.50 |
State Supported Living Center - code 30 |
5.50 |
Resource Room - codes 41 and 42 |
2.859 |
Mild/Moderate/Severe - codes 43 and 44 |
2.859 |
Full-Time Early Childhood - code 45 |
2.859 |
Off Home Campus - codes 91–98 |
4.25 |
Residential Care and Treatment Facility - codes 81–89 |
5.50 |
Please refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for additional rules concerning the assignment of the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE for special education students.
FLEX-ATTEND-DAYS-ELIGIBLE-IN-INSTR-SETTING (E1051) indicates the total number of school days the student was eligible for a particular special education instructional setting that was eligible for Foundation School Program funding during a particular reporting period.
The special education instructional setting FTE calculation value used for funding purposes is limited to the lower of the Equivalent Days Present, as calculated from the 500 Flexible Attendance record for a particular reporting period, or the Flex Attend Days Eligible in Instructional Setting reported on the 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record for the same reporting period. Note that funding is limited to the lesser of Flex Attend Equivalent Eligible Days Present or NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT for a reporting period. If the calculated Flex Attend Equivalent Days Present is greater than NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT for the reporting period, an Adjusted Flex Attend Equivalent Days Present is calculated to be NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT.
For students with one instructional setting:
Data Conversion Formulas/Rules
Flex Attend Equivalent Days Present = flex-attend-total-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT/240
Adjusted Flex Attend Equivalent Days Present = the lesser of Flex Attend Equivalent Days Present or NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT.
Total Eligible Special Education Contact Hours = The smaller of (Adjusted Flex Attend Equivalent Days Present x Special Education Instructional Setting Contact Hour Multiplier) or (Flex Attend Days Eligible in Instructional Setting x Special Education Instructional Setting Contact Hour Multiplier)
Special Education Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) in Instructional Setting for the six-week reporting period = Total Eligible Special Education Contact Hours from above/(Days Taught x 6 hours)
Example: Student Sims has the following information reported:
FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT = 5500 (from the 500 Flexible Attendance record)
INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is (41) Resource Room Services (less than 21% of school day), so Contact Hour Multiplier = 2.859
NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT for 3rd six weeks reporting period = 30
FLEX-ATTEND-DAYS-ELIGIBLE-IN-INSTR-SETTING for the 3rd six week reporting period = 30
Flex Attend Equivalent Days Present = 22.92 (5500/240minutes) = 22.917
Flex Attend Contact Hours =65.53 (22.92 Flex Attend Equivalent Days Present x 2.859 contact hour multiplier = 65.528)
For students with more than one instructional setting:
If a special education student is served in more than one special education instructional setting (excluding speech) during a particular six weeks reporting period, then TEA will apportion the Special Education Equivalent Days Present according to the number of days the student is reported eligible for each special education instructional setting.
Example: Student Joseph has the following information reported:
FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT = 6800 (from the 500 Flexible Attendance record)
NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT in six week reporting period 2 = 30
6800 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT/240 minutes (4 hours x 60 minutes) = 28.33 Equivalent Days Present for the 2nd six-week reporting period
10 days of Hospital Class eligibility = 33.3 % of the Total Days of special education eligibility (10/ (10+20))
Hospital Class Days Eligible = 33.3% of 28.33 Equivalent Days Present = 9.348 = 9.35.
20 days of Homebound eligibility = 66.7 % of the Total Days of special education eligibility (20/ (10+20))
Homebound Days Eligible = 66.7% of 28.33 Equivalent Days Present = 18.896 = 18.90.
For additional rules concerning the reporting of special education days present for a particular special education student, please refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.
FLEX-ATTEND-EXCESS-MINUTES-IN-INSTR-SETTING (E1052) indicates the total number of minutes the student was present in a designated instructional setting above the allowable 360-minute daily limit of combined career and technical education and special education and related services during a particular reporting period.
The Foundation School funding for LEAs is based on and limited to 6.0 contact hours per day per student. Excess contact hours for special education students occur when the special education contact hours earned for a particular day exceed 6.0 hours (360 minutes for flexible attendance accounting). This occurs when a special education student is receiving special education instruction and career and technical education instruction at the same time. Excess contact hours are always subtracted from the student’s primary Instructional Setting Code. Excess contact hours are not subtracted from speech therapy contact hours unless there is no other special education Instructional Setting during the time excess hours are earned.
Example: Student Jerry is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Special Education student. He attends two CTE classes that collectively generate V3 (3.0) contact hours per day of attendance. He also is participating in the special education Instructional Setting Resource Room/Services (Less than 21%/day) that generates 2.859 contact hours per day of attendance, and the special education Speech Therapy Instructional Setting that generated .25 contact hours per day of attendance. Since the 405 Special Education Flexible Attendance data record is reported as aggregate data by the REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODEs, it is the responsibility of the LEA to determine which days a student has generated Excess Contact Hours. (In many cases the LEA student information system will compute the occurrences and extract them to the PEIMS file for submission.) In the case of Student Jerry, each day that he attends 360 minutes of instruction would generate 7 minutes of FLEX-ATTEND-EXCESS-MINUTES-IN-INSTR-SETTING (3.0 CTE hours + 2.859 Special Education Resource contact hours + .25 Special Education Speech Therapy contact hours = 6.109 total contact hours minus 6 hours maximum = .109 contact hours x 60 minutes = 6.54 Excess Minutes (rounds to 7 Excess Minutes)). If Student Jerry was present for 360 minutes 15 times during a 30 day Reporting Period, then the value reported for FLEX-ATTEND-EXCESS-MINUTES-IN-INSTR-SETTING would be 105 minutes (15 occurrences x 7 minutes).
For special education students participating in the Flexible Attendance Program, report a 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record for each reporting period for each student who was eligible for and served in a funded instructional setting.
For each student reported with a 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record, there must be a 500 Flexible Attendance record with matching values for CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE.
If a Special Education Flexible Attendance student changes INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODEs during a particular reporting period, report both Instructional Setting Codes on a single 505 Student - Special Education Flexible Attendance record, unless the data record key changes.
Create a separate 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record for a student anytime the CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, or GRADE-LEVEL-CODE changes.
Do not create a 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record for a student who did not participate in special education during the reporting period indicated, or who was ineligible for ADA for the entire reporting period.
For each STUDENT-ID on a 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record where FLEX-ATTEND-EXCESS-MINUTES-IN-INSTR-SETTING is greater than “00000,” there must be a 510 CTE Flexible Attendance record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT.
FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE are reported on the 500 Flexible Attendance record. Refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for the complete special education eligibility information and attendance coding instructions.
Special Reporting Requirements
Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) do not report the 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record for any students served using the Flexible Attendance Accounting Rules. These schools are not eligible to earn special education contact hour funding.