Mrs. Newton (456-00-9012) is a mathematics teacher at Learning High School (002) in Learning ISD (256925). She teaches three section of Algebra I (03100500), one section of Precalculus (03101100), and one section of Geometry (03100700). Each of the classes that she teacher each day is 50 minutes long.
Mrs. Worley (545-00-2948) is the Department Chair for Science at Learning Elementary (102) in Learning ISD (256925). Each day she teaches a 3rd grade science class (02650300) from 9:00-10:15.
Input Record |
District |
Staff ID |
Campus |
Role ID |
Service ID |
Class ID Number |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
090 |
999999 |
456009012 |
999999002 |
087 |
03100500 |
ALGEBRA0000001 |
090 |
999999 |
456009012 |
999999002 |
087 |
03100500 |
ALGEBRA0000002 |
090 |
999999 |
456009012 |
999999002 |
087 |
03100500 |
ALGEBRA0000003 |
090 |
999999 |
456009012 |
999999002 |
087 |
03101100 |
PRECALC0000001 |
090 |
999999 |
456009012 |
999999002 |
087 |
03100700 |
GEOMETRY000001 |
090 |
999999 |
545002948 |
999999002 |
054 |
SS004011 |
090 |
999999 |
545002948 |
999999002 |
087 |
02650300 |
00000000000004 |
Population Served |
Filler |
Number Students in Class |
ESC SSA Staff Indicator |
Class Type Code |
Filler |
Monthly Minutes |
Filler |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
01 |
024 |
01 |
01000 |
01 |
025 |
01 |
01000 |
01 |
023 |
01 |
01000 |
01 |
018 |
01 |
01000 |
01 |
026 |
01 |
01000 |
01 |
01 |
021 |
01 |
01500 |
Explanation of 090 Staff - Responsibilities Record Layout
DISTRICT-ID 999999 indicates the county district number for Learning ISD.
STAFF-ID 456009012 is the social security number for Mrs. Newton. (This is a fictitious number.)
STAFF-ID 545002948 is the social security number for Mrs. Worley. (This is a fictitious number.)
CAMPUS-ID 999999002 indicates the county district campus number for Learning High School.
CAMPUS-ID 999999102 indicates the county district campus number for Learning Elementary school.
ROLE-ID 087 indicates Mrs. Newton & Mrs. Worley are teachers.
ROLE-ID 054 indicates Mrs. Worley is also the Department Chair for Science.
SERVICE-ID 03100500 indicates the instruction of Algebra 1.
SERVICE-ID 03101100 indicates the instruction of Precalculus.
SERVICE-ID 03100700 indicates the instructions of Geometry.
SERVICE-ID SS004011 indicates Instructional Research and Development, Science.
SERVICE-ID 02650300 indicates instruction in Science, 3rd Grade.
POPULATION-SERVED-CODE 01 indicates Regular Students are being served.
NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS 024, 025, 023, 018, 026, 021 indicates there are 24, 25, 23, 18, 26, 21 students respectively in the classes.
CLASS-TYPE-CODE 01 indicates that the type of setting for the instruction being provided to these students is a “regular” class type.
CLASS-ID-NUMBERs ALGEBRA0000001, ALGEBRA0000002, ALGEBRA0000003, PRECALC0000001, GEOMETRY000001, 00000000000004 indicates the unique class identification numbers for each section.
MONTHLY-MINUTES of 01000 indicates that for the last 4 weeks of October, ending with the PEIMS fall snapshot date, Mrs. Newton taught each of the classes listed for 1000 minutes.
(50 minutes x 5 days in the week x 4 weeks) = 1000 minutes
MONTHLY-MINUTES of 01500 indicates that for the last 4 weeks of October, ending with the PEIMS fall snapshot date, Mrs. Worley taught the class listed for 1500 minutes.
(75 minutes x 5 days in the week x 4 weeks) = 1500 minutes