Teacher Rose (456-00-2741) is a therapist at Summit Elementary campus (101) in Learning ISD (256925). She works 2 days a week from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM with a half-hour off for lunch.
Input Record |
District |
Staff ID |
Campus ID |
Role ID |
Service ID |
Class ID Number |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
090 |
256925 |
456002741 |
256925101 |
026 |
SE000003 |
00000000000001 |
090 |
256925 |
456002741 |
256925101 |
006 |
SE000006 |
00000000000002 |
090 |
256925 |
456002741 |
256925101 |
011 |
SE000001 |
00000000000003 |
Population Served |
Filler |
Number Students in Class |
ESC SSA Staff Indicator |
Class Type Code |
Filler |
Monthly Minutes |
Filler |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
06 |
016 |
02 |
02880 |
06 |
014 |
02 |
02880 |
06 |
006 |
02 |
02880 |
Explanation of 090 Staff - Responsibilities Record Layout
DISTRICT ID for all three responsibility records is Learning ISD (256925) since Learning ISD is the fiscal agent of the Special Education Shared Service Arrangement and hired and pays Ms. Rose. Learning ISD reports all three responsibility records for Ms. Rose.
STAFF-ID 456002741 indicates the STAFF-ID for Ms. Rose.
CAMPUS-ID 256925101 indicates county district campus number for Summit Elementary.
ROLE-ID 026 indicate Speech Therapist/Speech-Language Pathologist, 006 indicates Audiologist, and 011 indicates Educational Diagnostician.
SERVICE-ID SE000003 Speech Assessment, SE000006 indicates Auditorially Impaired, and SE000001 indicates the delivery of Special Education instruction.
POPULATION-SERVED-CODE 06 indicates Special Education Students are being served.
NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS of 016, 014, and 006 indicates that there were 16, 14, and 6 students in the Special Education classes.
CLASS-TYPE-CODE 02 indicates that type of setting (Special Education) for the instruction Ms. Rose is providing to these students causes it to be considered a “non-regular” class type.
CLASS-ID-NUMBER 00000000000001, 00000000000002, and 00000000000003 indicate the unique CLASS-ID-NUMBERs for Ms. Rose for each service.
MONTHLY-MINUTES of 02880 indicate the total number of minutes Ms. Rose provides service at the campus in a month (4 weeks prior to the last Friday of October).
(360 minutes x 2 days in the week x 4 weeks) = 2880 minutes