4A: Typical Substitute
Miss May is on the list of approved substitutes for Learning ISD (999999). She is called occasionally to substitute for a teacher who is ill or needs to take a day of personal leave.
Learning ISD would not submit a 090 Staff - Responsibilities record for Miss May.
4B: Floating Substitute
Mrs. Marks (000-72-7543) was hired by Learning ISD to be a floating substitute. She is a full-time, permanent employee of the district and is sent to fill-in at different campuses in the district wherever she is needed. She works each day from 8:30-3:30 with a 30 minute lunch.
Input Record |
District |
Staff ID |
Campus ID |
Role ID |
Service ID |
Class ID Number |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
090 |
999999 |
000727543 |
999999999 |
047 |
SR000007 |
00000000000001 |
Population Served |
Filler |
Number Students in Class |
ESC SSA Staff Indicator |
Class Type Code |
Filler |
Monthly Minutes |
Filler |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
01 |
000 |
01 |
07800 |
Explanation of 090 Staff - Responsibilities Record Layout
DISTRICT-ID 999999 indicates the county district number for Learning ISD.
STAFF-ID 000757543 is the social security number for Mrs. Marks. (This is a fictitious number.)
CAMPUS-ID 999999999 indicates that Mrs. Marks is an employee with district duties.
ROLE-ID 047 indicates Mrs. Marks is a substitute teacher.
SERVICE-ID SR000007 indicates Unassigned Professional classroom duty.
POPULATION-SERVED-CODE 01 indicates Regular Students are being served.
CLASS-TYPE-CODE 01 indicates that the setting for the instruction she provides is a “regular” class type.
CLASS-ID-NUMBER 00000000000001 is the unique id assigned to her duties.
NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS 000 indicates that 0 students are reported for the substitute since the students are reported on the teacher-of-record 090 Staff - Responsibilities record.
MONTHLY-MINUTES 07800 indicates that 7800 minutes are associated with the substitute’s responsibility. (390 minutes each day x 5 days in the week x 4 weeks) = 7800 minutes
4C: Substitute for Staff Who Will Not Be Returning to Classroom
Miss Lucky (832-00-7654) was hired in September to teach a 55 minute Biology I (03010200) class as a substitute for a teacher who resigned from Learning High School (002) and will not be returning to work.
Input Record |
District |
Staff ID |
Campus ID |
Role ID |
Service ID |
Class ID Number |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
090 |
999999 |
832007654 |
999999002 |
047 |
03010200 |
00000000000157 |
Population Served |
Filler |
Number Students in Class |
ESC SSA Staff Indicator |
Class Type Code |
Filler |
Monthly Minutes |
Filler |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
01 |
018 |
01 |
01100 |
Explanation of 090 Staff - Responsibilities Record Layout
DISTRICT-ID 999999 indicates the county district number for Learning ISD.
STAFF-ID 832007654 is the social security number for Miss. Lucky. (This is a fictitious number.)
CAMPUS-ID 999999002 indicates that Miss Lucky is an employee assigned to Learning High School.
ROLE-ID 047 indicates Miss Lucky is a substitute teacher.
SERVICE-ID 03010200 indicates Biology I.
POPULATION-SERVED-CODE 01 indicates Regular Students are being served.
CLASS-TYPE-CODE 01 indicates that the type of setting for the instruction she provides is a “regular” class type.
CLASS-ID-NUMBER 00000000000157 is the unique id assigned to her duties for that class.
NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS 018 indicates that there are 18 students in the class.
MONTHLY-MINUTES 01100 indicates that the teacher spends 1100 minutes a month teaching the class. (55 minutes each day x 5 days in the week x 4 weeks) = 1100 minutes
4D: Staff Who Will Return with Permanently Assigned Substitute
Mr. Stemper (443-67-0000) was permanently hired at the beginning of October at Learning High School (002) to substitute for Mrs. Riley (372-54-0000) who taught Debate I (03240600) for 55 minutes each day. She will be out on extended medical leave for the rest of the year. Since Mrs. Riley is out of the classroom on the PEIMS fall snapshot date, is still on the district payroll and a permanent substitute has been hired, a 090 Staff - Responsibilities record is reported for her as well as for the substitute.
Input Record |
District |
Staff ID |
Campus ID |
Role ID |
Service ID |
Class ID Number |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
090 |
999999 |
372540000 |
999999002 |
087 |
SR000007 |
00000000000001 |
090 |
999999 |
443670000 |
999999002 |
087 |
03240600 |
00000000DEB004 |
Population Served |
Filler |
Number Students in Class |
ESC SSA Staff Indicator |
Class Type Code |
Filler |
Monthly Minutes |
Filler |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
01 |
000 |
01 |
07800 |
01 |
018 |
01 |
07800 |
Explanation of 090 Staff - Responsibilities Record Layout
DISTRICT-ID 999999 indicates the county district number for Learning ISD.
STAFF-ID 372540000 is the social security number for Mr. Stemper. (This is a fictitious number.)
STAFF-ID 443670000 is the social security number for Mrs. Riley. (This is a fictitious number.)
CAMPUS-ID 999999002 indicates that Mrs. Riley normally provides services at Learning High School.
ROLE-ID 087 indicates Mrs. Riley and Mr. Stemper are teachers.
SERVICE-ID 03240600 indicates Debate I and SR000007 indicates Unassigned Professional classroom duty.
POPULATION-SERVED-CODE 01 indicates Regular Students are being served.
CLASS-TYPE-CODE 01 indicates that the setting for the instruction they provide is a “regular” class type.
CLASS-ID-NUMBER 00000000000001 and 00000000DEB004 are the unique id assigned to their duties.
NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS 000 indicates that 0 students are reported for Mrs. Riley as Mr. Stemper is the current teacher-of-record.
ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE is blank, since this is a school district.
MONTHLY-MINUTES 07800 indicates that 7800 monthly minutes are reported for each teacher’s responsibility. (390 minutes each day x 5 days in the week x 4 weeks) = 7800 minutes
4E: Teacher Who Will Return With Temporarily Assigned Substitute
Mr. James (746-00-2976) who teaches a 55 minute English II (03220200) class has taken a family medical emergency leave in October. Typical substitutes will handle his class until his return.
Because Mr. James absence is temporary, he will return to the classroom and he is still on the district payroll. As a result, he remains the teacher-of-record and his 090 Staff - Responsibilities record for the English II class is reported as if he were working. The responsibility for the “typical substitute” is not reported. No 090 Staff - Responsibilities record would be reported by Learning ISD for the substitute.
Input Record |
District |
Staff ID |
Campus ID |
Role ID |
Service ID |
Class ID Number |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
090 |
999999 |
746002976 |
999999002 |
087 |
03220200 |
00000000ENG001 |
Population Served |
Filler |
Number Students in Class |
ESC SSA Staff Indicator |
Class Type Code |
Filler |
Monthly Minutes |
Filler |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
01 |
020 |
01 |
01100 |
Explanation of 090 Staff - Responsibilities Record Layout
DISTRICT-ID 999999 indicates the county district number for Learning ISD.
STAFF-ID 746002976 is the social security number for Mr. James. (This is a fictitious number.)
CAMPUS-ID 999999002 indicates that Mr. James is assigned to Learning High School.
ROLE-ID 087 indicates Mr. James is a teacher.
SERVICE-ID 03220200 indicates English II classroom duty.
POPULATION-SERVED-CODE 01 indicates Regular Students are being served.
CLASS-TYPE-CODE 01 indicates that the setting for the instruction he provides is a “regular” class type.
CLASS-ID-NUMBER 00000000ENG001 is the unique id assigned to his duties.
NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS 020 indicates that 20 student are reported as Mr. James continues to be the teacher-of-record.
ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE is blank, since this is a school district.
MONTHLY-MINUTES 01100 indicates that 1100 monthly minutes are reported for each teacher’s responsibility. (55 minutes each day x 5 days in the week x 4 weeks) = 1100 minutes