Jill Student (001239876) is enrolled in Learning ISD (999-999) with a date of birth of August 3, 2007. Jill is a kindergarten student with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). She is eligible to attend first grade at the beginning of next year. Jill’s parents completed the Free and Reduced-Priced Lunch Application. The district determined that Jill qualified for Reduced-price Meals under the National School Lunch and Child Nutrition. Jill’s parents have answered the ethnicity and race questions in the following way.
Jill’s information would be reported in the following way.
Input Record |
District |
Student |
Sex |
Unschooled Asylee/ Refugee Code |
Date |
Career and Technical Ed Ind Cd |
Campus |
Last Date of Enroll-ment |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Column |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
101 |
999999 |
001239876 |
F |
0 |
08032007 |
0 |
American Indian-Alaska Native Code |
Asian Code |
Black African American Code |
Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Code |
White Code |
Filler |
Student |
As Of |
Grade |
Column |
Column |
Column |
Column |
Column |
Column |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
B |
K |
Migrant |
Campus ID |
Campus ID of |
Bilingual/ESL Summer School Indicator Code |
Hispanic Latino Code |
Economic |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Column |
Column |
0 |
999999001 |
1 |
02 |
Explanation of 101 Student - Demographic Record Layout
DISTRICT-ID 999999 indicates the county-district number for Learning ISD.
STUDENT-ID 000774567 indicates Jill’s SSN.
SEX-CODE F indicates Jill is female.
UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE/REFUGEE-CODE 0 indicates that this code is not applicable because Jill is enrolled in kindergarten and this code only applies to students whose initial enrollment in a school in the United States in grades 7-12 was as an unschooled asylee or refugee.
DATE-OF-BIRTH 08032007 indicates a birth date of August 3, 2007.
AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE 1 indicates that Jill reported being of the American Indian/ Alaska Native race on the enrollment forms.
ASIAN-CODE 0 indicates that Jill did not report being of the Asian race on the enrollment forms.
BLACK-AFRICAN-AMERICAN-CODE 1 indicates that Jill reported being of the Black African American race on the enrollment forms.
NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE 0 indicates that Jill did not report being of the Native Hawaiian Other Pacific Islander race on the enrollment forms.
WHITE-CODE 1 indicates that Jill was reported being of the White race on the enrollment forms.
HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE 1 indicates that Jill reported being of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity on the enrollment forms.
ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE 01 indicates Jill has been determined to be economically disadvantaged and is eligible for Reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Program.