On December 12, 2011, Bobby Sage, a 16 year old student brought fireworks to school and they were found in his locker by campus principal.
Input Record Type |
District ID |
Student ID |
Campus ID of Enrollment |
Campus ID of Disciplinary Assignment |
Disciplinary Action Number |
Disciplinary Action Code |
Disciplinary Action Reason Code |
Official Length of Disciplinary Assignment |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
425 |
999999 |
450000021 |
999999101 |
001 |
05 |
21 |
003 |
Actual Length of Disciplinary Assignment |
Disciplinary Length Difference Reason Code |
Disciplinary Incident Number |
Reporting Period Indicator Code |
Date of Disciplinary Action |
Campus ID of Disciplinary Responsibility |
Behavior Location Code |
Filler |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
003 |
00 |
101001 |
3 |
12152011 |
999999101 |
04 |
Explanation of 425 Student - Disciplinary Action Record Layout
CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT 999999101 indicates that Bobby was enrolled at campus 101 when the incident occurred.
CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT is blank because the student was given out of school suspension
DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-NUMBER 001 is an arbitrary number to distinguish a particular student's disciplinary action from other disciplinary actions of the same student.
DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE 05 indicates Bobby Sage was suspended from school.
DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE 21 indicates Bobby Sage was in violation of student code of Conduct Not Included Under TEC §§37.002(b), 37.006, or 37.007 (does not include student code of conduct violations covered in reason codes 33 and 34)
OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT 003 indicates that Bobby was given 3 days of out of school suspension
ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT 003 indicates that Bobby served 3 days of out of school suspension
DISCIPLINARY-LENGTH-DIFFERENCE-REASON-CODE 00 indicates that there was no difference between the official and actual lengths of disciplinary assignment.
DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER 010101 is the number that was assigned to the incident by campus 101.
REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE 3 indicates that this disciplinary action occurred in the third reporting period.
DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION 12152011 indicates that the date of the disciplinary action was December 15, 2011.
CAMPUS-ID-DISCIPLINARY–RESPONSIBILITY 999999101 indicates that campus 101 is the campus responsible for the disciplinary action.