From example 1 above, Missy Instructor also receives a $1700 supplement for being the sponsor of the debate club. The supplement information would be reported as follows.
Input Record |
District ID |
Staff ID |
Payroll Activity Code |
Fund Code |
Function Code |
Object Code |
Organi-zation Code |
Fiscal Year |
Program Intent Code |
Payroll Amount |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
060 |
999999 |
999004321 |
16 |
199 |
36 |
6119 |
001 |
X |
99 |
001700 |
Explanation of 060 Staff – Employment Payroll Accounting Record Layout
DISTRICT-ID 999999 indicates the county district number for Learning ISD.
STAFF-ID 999004321 indicates the social security number for Missy Instructor. (This is a fictitious number).
PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE 16 designates sponsor of a UIL club.
FUND-CODE 199 designates general fund.
FUNCTION-CODE 36 is used to account for co-curricular/extracurricular activities.
OBJECT-CODE 6119 is used to account for money paid to employees for additional responsibilities.
ORGANIZATION-CODE 001 designates the campus number of this school.
FISCAL-YEAR X designates the last digit of the fiscal year.
PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE 99 indicates that participation in the debate club is not directly attributable to any one program.
PAYROLL-AMOUNT 700 indicates a supplemental pay amount of $1700.