Suzy Teacher is the librarian for a library shared services arrangement for Thinking ISD. Thinking ISD is a member district of the library shared services arrangement and pays Suzy Teacher’s salary which is $28000. Thinking ISD receives funds from the fiscal agent to pay Ms. Teacher’s salary. Thinking ISD, not the fiscal agent, would report her payroll accounting information in the following way.
Input Record |
District ID |
Staff ID |
Payroll Activity Code |
Fund Code |
Function Code |
Object Code |
Organi-zation Code |
Fiscal Year |
Program Intent Code |
Payroll Amount |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Columns |
Column |
Columns |
Columns |
060 |
999999 |
000654321 |
80 |
199 |
12 |
6119 |
751 |
X |
99 |
028000 |
Explanation of 060 Staff - Employment Payroll Accounting Record Layout
DISTRICT-ID 999999 indicates the county district number for Learning ISD.
STAFF-ID 000654321 indicates the social security number for Suzy Teacher. (This is a fictitious number).
PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE 80 designates base salary.
FUND-CODE 199 designates general fund.
FUNCTION-CODE 12 indicates instructional resources and media services.
OBJECT-CODE 6119 designates expenditures for professional payroll costs.
ORGANIZATION-CODE 751 designates a shared services arrangement. The librarian visits several different districts.
FISCAL-YEAR X designates the last digit of the fiscal year.
PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE 99 indicates that a librarian is not directly attributable to any one program.
PAYROLL-AMOUNT 18000 indicates that Suzy teacher is paid $28000 annually.